I will choose Peaceful death because you died in peace honorable death is not honorable you died because someone killed you maybe the one that killed you will be honored because he killed you and not you him getting confused here though peaceful death is like you live long enough and you experienced a lot of things and you are ready to die in age 90+ honorable death is like they will award you with a medal is that medal gonna resurrect you IT WILL NOT and your family members will honor you and they will say my grandfather fought in the WW2 and someone will say my grandfather received benefits and money from the government because the fought in WW2 thats not right
I beleive that honorable death is like dying for ppl you care about not in wars i mean i can see how the japanese do this in the war and their culture but out side of that i woudnt see that as fit. I would say sacrificing your life for the ppl you care about is honorable and peacefull death like in your sleep or live life with out regrets or guilt is good so either of the above in my opinion would be good
Hell, I'd save my ass 100% of the time. I meet death back-on, moving as fast as I can away from it, and it's worked pretty well so far.
Hm, Kamikaze. My first reaction would be life and trying to preserve it. But if I'm over a battlefield and my gunner's running on fumes and low ammo, I'm convinced enough I would find myself the sweetest patch of enemies in the groves, and dive bomb right into them. Maybe with my assault on a larger group with such a formidable killing machine can make room for my allies to push the frontline further. You can only hope in your death that the fight has a better advantage. I do agree with Kidopitz27 though. Good commentary.
Silvertie signing in for "Honorable Death". If I'm going to die, I'd like to sail to the afterlife on a raft made from the corpses of my enemies, thank you. Swimming is not something I like to do, if I can avoid it. However, I will not approach death kindly, and will fight (if possible and/or the only option) to stave it off... if this results in my corpseraft, so be it.
i dont care, but i want to die happiliy, like having a bungee chord break, or what ever whos with me?
This one's a hard one. But I guess I want to die an honorable death. You know, dying while fighting for something. Maybe die in a fire after saving someone in need. Or be assassinated for keeping a secret of national safety. But I prefer the former, because I have this fear of dying without me expecting it. I want to die in a way where I'm aware of it coming. But not a slow death though, like where I got run over by a car, and I survived for an hour, no not like that. That'd suck. I want a swift honorable duty bound death.