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Homework? Needed or just unneeded?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Jonez001, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Homework before Year 10 to me is completely useless. However, I do believe you can only learn something when you put your own time and effort into something that has been asked for you to complete. Without Assignments and Assessment Tasks, I would never had passed my Year 12 exams.

    Loonylion hit the nail with exams though. It really is nothing more than a memory test. I find exams to be the incorrect way on marking a student's competence on a certain subject. As a 2-5 hour exam test doesn't accurately access what the Student has actually learned.
  2. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I think it's necessary evil :p
    You may hate it as much as I do, but it helps in learning nonetheless...
  3. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    yes it necessary, even I always do the HW at school :p
    but I tried my best, if it needed to typed I do it at home :p
  4. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, students should be allowed to study in whatever way produces satisfactory results. If a student understands the course material well without doing homework, then they should not be forced to do it. There is little point in repeating something you already know well, and each day that a teacher spends going over material that's already been mastered is another day that could be spent increasing the overall student skill in the subject.

    Many schools try to tackle this problem by offering advanced classes that move at a faster pace, but they mostly feature more homework instead of actually making the course challenging.

    I admit to being biased, since I was able to grok the concepts in my classes much faster than my peers, and by the time I made it to middle school I was sleeping in class and shirking homework because it was boring and did nothing for me. By the time I became a sophomore in high school, I dropped out and later earned my diploma from a community college in a fraction of the time (and effort) needed to get it in a normal high school. I then went on to take some college courses, ultimately dropping out of that due to -- you guessed it -- boredom. I'll be attempting college again as soon as I can afford it.

    Homework is good for people who are slow and don't get it. Homework builds one's tolerance to repetitive bullshit (people tend to call this 'discipline' and 'work ethic'). It's used as busywork so the teachers and parents don't have to spend more time teaching them. Homework is a remedy to a problem (not understanding), not something that should be issued because of de facto practices that have been present in education for centuries.
  5. workernetGB

    workernetGB Member

    Homework is good for subjects like math, physics, chemistry that the success is in repetition and understanding of the math engine still it spares time of teaching someone, here in brazil homework is thing of elementary schools, in High School or you study afterclass in your own(you can use the school space if you like and consult the teachers in their vacant times) or you screw yourself it's kinda simple no obligations.
  6. freehand01

    freehand01 Well-Known Member

    no, just give us quizzes and exams
  7. knightof3

    knightof3 Well-Known Member

    i agree why do we go to school for 7 hours a day for if they are going to give us more stuff to do while were at home? i dont mind like projects every so often but when it comes to hw its just annoying
  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    And we lose free time?
    And why does it need to be so much?
  9. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    If a school is unable to teach given the already large number of hours it requires of students, then that school is not fit for purpose or those students could be better served via a different teaching approach.
    The education system (any education system) will never have authority over learning as people learn from many sources, homework(in the modern sense) is as an unlikely source as 4chan but you will no doubt learn something if you visit either.
    Homework should be optional, it should be engaging and stimulating so that a student will want to take time to pursue it at their leisure. If homework seems like a chore whoever set that homework is a failed educator and you will learn nothing by doing it.

    No-one learns by having to do what they are told to do against their will.

    Never allow yourself to be deceived by the idea that your time at home is your time and when you are at school it is their time. Truth is, it is all your time, you are not being payed to be there but your teachers are, it is more your time than theirs, use it wisely.
  10. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Homework is necessary in some part.
    Sometimes HW also help us to discover how to study. Like in science subject.
    Just how much your "free time" and "homework" are?
    And do you get this "free time" much in works?
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I have extra schoolwork on school & home (because I am one of the better ones out of the class), but sometimes I get homework for just that things.

    Then I think "Why that? I made my extra work, so...", on which the teacher says "Yes, but I want that you complete that.".

    Imagine that you have 12 extra papers (each side is full of things) that MUST be completed in 1 week.

    TaalToppers (translation: LanguageToppers), RekenToppers (translation: CalculatingToppers) and LeesToppers (translation: ReadToppers)

    But I've completed that all in 3 days.
    1 for each.
  12. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    From those different views, i found that homework also teaches students to learn how to manage time, and be more resourceful. If you can't do homework at home, then there is a problem in your time management. Teachers don't just go to school just to teach. They also have other things to do like every students does. Do you make lesson plan? No, but that is the teacher's homework. Every god-damned day, a good teacher must make a lesson plan just to have a good teaching method in class.

    If you can't do homework, then there is just one word used to describe someone, and i'm not just saying students only, everybody that do homework, and that word is called "LAZY".

    I want to see here why they don't like homework, and what they must do in their so-called "FREE-TIME". Leisure time? Like what? Video games? Texting? Calling a friend? Dating? If you can find time to do those thing, then you can do homework.

    Oh, by the way, if you say you're not getting paid to school? and the teachers are paid to teach, PLS! Return all you allowance, pocket money, and any monetary value your parents, guardians, have give you before you go to school.
  13. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You seem to have ignored the balance of rights and responsibility here, teachers have chosen to teach. A student has to learn things he/she is either not interested in and/or has not been given a choice. Also students who live with their parents usually have restrictive rules enforced on them at home. In my country there have been teacher strikes because teachers feel they are treated harshly, but I've looked into it and the absolute opposite is true. I'm not sure what way it is where you are from, but based on my own small country, I would be led to believe that teachers as a group are ungrateful so and sos that try to compare themselves to students too often.
  14. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    may I ask how i ignored so I can correct myself? From my understanding of balance of right and responsibility, Teachers has the responsibility to teach students, its their right to use whatever teaching methods he/she prefers, its called academic freedom. The Student has the right to learn, and its their responsibility to do their assigned works, like homework.

    He has a choice, he either do it and pass, or not do it and fail. I dont know about your small country's school curriculum but here in the Philippine public school, we have the essential, English, Math, Science, Filipino and MAKABAYAN subjects. The first 4 are major subjects that if you fail one, you either repeat the year, or go to summer school. While the MAKABAYAN subjects compose of Social Studies/History which i teach, Physical Education, Home Economics, Values and other minor subjects their school may require, is required but not really a critical element for you to pass. I sometimes call it, "patawarin mo na" , or just forgive him, let him have a passing grade.

    I think all of that is essential to a students studies. So tell me a subject that is not important to your future life and lets debate of that in a new thread.

    And last, I know its not about homework but about you said about teachers as ungrateful so ans sos... why? did you know a student has more right and power over the teacher. you may not see it, but try reading your school rules, basic laws and you can take advantage of that over your teachers. while teachers ask only what is owed to them. respect, exact dues, and a few things that is simple for you but has a lot of value for teachers.
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    In my free time I do not have much time for games.
    Programming, websites, etc.
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I was talking outside school. A student in this case is usually under 18, this means that they don't have the right to vote, own property, sue someone, etc.

    [quote author=damanali]He has a choice, he either do it and pass, or not do it and fail. I dont know about your small country's school curriculum but here in the Philippine public school, we have the essential, English, Math, Science, Filipino and MAKABAYAN subjects. The first 4 are major subjects that if you fail one, you either repeat the year, or go to summer school. While the MAKABAYAN subjects compose of Social Studies/History which i teach, Physical Education, Home Economics, Values and other minor subjects their school may require, is required but not really a critical element for you to pass. I sometimes call it, "patawarin mo na" , or just forgive him, let him have a passing grade.

    I think all of that is essential to a students studies. So tell me a subject that is not important to your future life and lets debate of that in a new thread.
    It depends on the life you want to lead, it could be different over in your country, but in mine at least, you get points based on how well you did in each subject. These points then determine which college course you can get into. So in some cases, someone that failed science or took no science courses for their final year can enter a science course in college if their other subjects are good enough.
    Subjects not important in your future life vary from person to person. But for me, I spent 15 years learning Irish and 6 years learning French. Neither of which I will ever use.

    Teachers in my country went on strike over wages, despite being paid well over minimum wage and getting 3 months off a year during which they are free to undertake other jobs.
  17. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    I believe homework must be forced upon students. Not heaps, but enough so that they understand the subject being taught. If homework is made an optional thing, one can predict that the already low intelligence of the masses will drop quite significantly. And by significantly, I mean DRAMATICALLY. The majority of students have little or no motivation to learn or go to school at all, so homework is necessary to keep them from failing.
  18. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    What if you understand the material (and can prove it) before the end of class? Why should the intelligent be punished because other students are not smart enough to keep up?
  19. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Wow. I knew people had strong opinions about homework, but I didn't know they were this strong!

    Err... I don't mind homework as long as it's clear what you have to do, isn't unreasonable (go to France and jump off the Eiffel tower while clinging to a hooker), and has something to do with what we're learning.

    Colouring homework, yay!
  20. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    You should not think of homework as punishment. You are not punished to do homework, you are punished because you didn't do your homework. You are punished because of laziness,

    Homework is not just made because you didnt catch up with the lesson. Homework can also be made to give you a guide on what the next lesson will be. So, you will not be a dumbass that is scratching their head, saying, what the fuck is that teacher saying?