I'm here to discuss a very important issue and mean to not offend u in anyway possible but would please like to request as the title stated above new and safe hombrews for any system supported on this site such as DS and wii (I'm not sure if psp had it but if there is that would be great too thanks ) 4 users and gamers around so please could u add some of the same hombrews for wii and DS to your beautiful site Thanks for your time
there's plenty of other sites specialising in homebrew. it's been discussed before and the basic answers are too much competition, we can't bring anything to the table that isn't already there, and it would be way too much work to redesign our system to handle homebrew. also if you look at the 'dead end ideas' sticky in the suggestions section, it already says we wont do it: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=7271.0
I am very grateful for ur input Also do u know any safe sites like this one that distributes free legal home brews for ds and leave a link if possible Thanks for ur time 8)
Safe sites nope, but you have to find homebrew games on the publisher sites or forums. sucks huh, but helps to find them with search engines.