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Hitler Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MitsukaiXxX, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Very well put!
    That was quite an intrresting post lol :)
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    You're welcome ^_^
    And I hope so too :)
  3. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    The question about where did he get the money to do this has not been answered.

    Saddam Hussein tried a similar tactic-borrow money and invade/take over the place/people your due the money to.

    All that bombs dropped on Germany,all the Germans killed by this and with fighting with soldiers-people having had their loved ones killed-were they not better off pre-Hitler.

    Why did Germany want/get billions from US/UK as part of surrendering.

    So look at Germany before he took over until the day he topped himself:pity he just didnt ask for a "handout" when he came to power,that would have saved millions of lives.

    And that moustache doesnt suit you Loony LOL
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    He borrowed from Swiss Banks for the most part.

    What are you referring to here? Who did Iraq borrow from and invade?! They invaded Iran over territory, but failed which pulled the country's economy into the gutter and led to trade sanctions by the UN.

    Pre-Hitler, Germany was fast becoming a 3rd world country. If Hitler hadn't built Germany up, it would either have ceased to exist or would be in a similar position to the likes of Romania. The fact that Germany lost the war, the lives of its young men and the world's respect for years is offset by the fact that it is one of the leading Economic powers in Europe, largly thanks to the infrastructure built by Hitler in the 1930's.

    Possibly due to the fact that repairations Germany was forced to pay at the end of the first world war lead to the second world war in the first place.

    True, Germany was in bad shape in 1945, but it would have been in far worse shape if it hadn't had a strong leader to lift it out of its Economic problems.
  5. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Im referring to Kuwait,have you heard of it?

    And talking of "great leaders"-its a pity George.W.Bush and Tony Blair werent around at the same time as Hitler LOL.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Yes, and saying Iraq invaded it to avoid its debt is a gross over-simplification of the reasons behind the invasion.
  7. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    Hitler joined the Nazi party, rose through the ranks, and became leader of the Nazi's. Soon enough, he became leader, or "fuhrer" of Germany. When Germany invaded Poland, England and France declared war against Germany, starting World War 2.

    During the war, Nazi troops were given permission to execute Jews, or any other people Hitler deemed "worthless", which included ethnics, Romani's, disabled and mentally ill people, and homosexuals. Hitler knew of this, he knew of the concentration camps and the experiments carried out there. Growing up, he felt those groups of people were "inadequate" to live in this world.

    Hitler may not have actually given out orders to the extermination of over 6 million people, but he damn well condoned it, and there is more than enough proof to say he did. The documents he signed allowing this were most likely destroyed during the fall of Berlin.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure that people with genetic deformities were put to death. I think they were made sterile. Which in some cases might actually have been a good thing as many of these deformities can be passed on to the next generation. I do agree though that, while Hitler might not have known the specifics of what went on in the concentration camps, he had to have a pretty good idea that Jews were being killed there though it is possible that his madness had already consumed him at that point that he deluded himself into thinking that the Jews were being sent to Madagascar as he had originally planned.
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Hey Snebbers, to assume Hitler isnt responsible for the holocaust is to assume a holocaust even existed in the first place, which everyone knows it didnt. So obviously you tried to trick people into answering your trap question and make fools out of everyone because they will say he is responsible for it even though it never existed.
  10. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Hitler was no genius, he was a complete IDIOT! What proof is there that he was smart, the PEOPLE who were WORKING for Hitler were smart, without his workers and minions, Hitler was an average psychopath! There IS proof that approximately 5.8 Million Jewish people (Jews is racist) died! And yes, Hitler is what caused the Holocaust! Here is how:

    - He helped persuade people on how horrible the Jewish are (Which they're not!)
    - He killed innocent people because they believed in GOD, which, he once believed in himself!
    - He gave the order to kill all Jewish

    IF THAT AIN'T ENOUGH INFO FOR THE 'MOFO' BOYFRIEND, THEN HIS DECREE IS A PIECE OF LYING CRAP, WHERE IS THE PROOF OF HIS SO CALLED DECREE IF HE CAN ARGUE WITH THIS? IF HE TRIES, HE WILL LOSE, BECAUSE HE IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You just contradicted yourself there. If he was an idiot people wouldn't have been taken in by him. He duped virtually the entire German nation. That is not the work of an idiot.
  12. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    Watch this movie, i thought it was boring but its very related to this. And it answers if Hilter did, or did not orther the extermination of Jews....

    my money is on this meeting, the fate of the Jews where settled...love this movie.
  13. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    That's sarcasm, right?
  14. shadowclan69

    shadowclan69 Member

    there will be no proof that he was responisble as from what i know he burned all evidence of his governmental work in a mad runsh in 1945 as berliin was being bombed and he was paranoid the russians were coming to get him . also as the nazis (or german workers party) were in political power in a state of totalitarianism (complete power) the general public were not completely informed but encourages to hate the jews as well as black gays and anybody who did not fir hitlers views .

    as for the 6 million people who died that was recorded deaths i think my form 4 text book says it was approximately 6.25 million people died from the holocast . but tis definetly around 6 million . also back to evidence most of the killing happened in auschwitz which is based ont he outskirts of poland if im correct . so the german public and governmental figures would not have access to thin information
    Post Merge: [time]1264128744[/time]
    also , im not trying to start anything but:
    im in australia and we arent taught a point of view to my knowledge . and we spend alot of time on it . ultimately theres no proof because the nazis had political power and yes , the SS were the ones getting their hands dirty . and yes there were more than 6 million deaths ( sorry to repeat most of my last post ) but im thinking that countries still want to doubt the holocaust and thats probably a stupid move . so maybe try getting foriegn information that is translated to your language. once again im not trying to start anything its jsut an opinon
  15. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I think this link shows pretty good evidence that Hitler was very well aware and in command of the executions.
    Also, 6 million was the number of Jews who died.
    The total for all exterminations (Jews plus other groups) is around 11 million.
  16. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know why them Greasers joined up with Hitler.I may make fun about the French getting done over-but what about that Mussolini-thats the thing I remember most.....
  17. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Not really. I never said the holocaust existed or happened, but I never said it didn't either. I didn't say Hitler was responisble and I didn't say that he wasn't either. I've left it at a question, I'm not really fussed what people think about it, you're all entitled to your own opinions, I can't take that away from you. I'm not going to tell you that you are right or wrong.

    Without 100% proof I will not believe in either. Actualy. Even if there was 100% proof. It wouldn't change my opinion, I simply don't care. Now you may call that heartless, or cold or whatever, but I would think that there are far more important things in life to do then to come on here and debate continuously about something that may or may not happened a long time ago in the past.
  18. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Man, contradictory can be frustrating!
  19. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    dude thats a internet site....dont beleive the net so much....rememeber who makes those sites....sure as hell aint historians lol.....

    Is 100% fact.....there is NO proof that hitler was RESPONSIBLE,and there is No proof that 6 Million jews were killed.
  20. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    As I repeat. Do we need proof? There is evidence that there were killing camps, and evidence the holocaust happens. Numbers mean nothing if you don't care to believe that it actually happened.
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