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Hitler Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MitsukaiXxX, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    He is only Commander-in-Chief by name. He does not make decisions on his own and in most cases doesn't even have the last word on things. A person that has power has respect by his/her people; How many Americans have respect for their Commander-In-Chief? Not power in my opinion. Whoever still bows down to the Queen of England seriously doesn't have as much power as we think. ;)

    You don't give a shit, but somehow you've been told you'll never have a place on the staff? I don't think Staff members go around telling members that they'll never be part of their Staff for no reason.
  2. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member


    Even though no written order can be found (the Nazis started systematically destroying evidence when Germany's defeat became inevitable), there is evidence to support the fact that Hitler gave verbal orders. And like someone already said, Hitler is certainly complicit to the crime.

    Also, why are you even friends with a Holocaust denier?
  3. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Hes a history degree student,he didnt give me opinions,he gave me solid fact that i couldnt answer to.

    He isnt a denier,he is fully aware of what happened,he knows what hitler did was evil and how many people suffered at the hands of him.

    He asked this question toa professor of history and even stumped him.

    He's just asking questions that arn't answered in the history books.Fair enough if he's curious.

    Why wouldnt i be friends with someoone who has diffrent vies then me,thats stupid.
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    Because in your first post, you said that "he agrees with the Holocaust" and that you don't.

    And it's kind of hard for me to think how someone can be friends with someone who supports the slaughter of millions of people.

    But hey, each to his own.
  5. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    8)YEs he is a Genius but did made a few stupid decisions.Like fighting Russia at the wrong time.
  6. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Sorry i mistyped,im not very godo with words,i didnt mean that ..
    sorry and any mis understanding.......
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    your a tard if you think the queen has any power. the monarchy in this country has had no power for hundreds of years.
    the prime minister is the one with power this also is an example of the hitler thing, browns party makes the decisions but i will still blame him exclusively for screwing this country in the ass.
    and president has a shit load of power and would be naive to think otherwise.

    anyway as loony said Hitler is a figure head and weather he commanded the holocaust to happen or not he is responsible as the countries leader and there is no way he will not have known about it.

    it's the same situation as the bin laden thing, he's not personally responsible for every bit of "terror" but is blamed all the time for every bomb that goes off as the leader to the group doing those actions.
  8. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    What my firend is saying is that there is no proof that hitler was involved,and no proof of the 6 Million people who died,only a couple of hundred thousand.

    And people say that he knew it was happening,but never stopped it,so he must of all been in favor of it.
    But if I kill a man ,and the queen knows about it,does that make her responisble for my actions.

    Its just like 9/11,america have NEVER prooved that the al qaeda were involved,and failed to proove that the hijackers were al qaeda.
    But because they are the bad men,the terrorist,they HAVE to hold responsabilty.

    Your all taking it out on me,as though im a racist or a friend of some denier.
    But IM AGAINST the holocaust,i dont like it one bit,i dont like hitler,or all the pain and suffering people had to go through.

    But that dosnt mean i'm closed to all questions.Im open minded.
    Just becasue i asked a question
    "Can it be prooved Hitler was responsable",dosnt mean im in favour of what happened.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's way off. of course she'd have nothing to do with your actions.

    scale it down to understand, if you were the leader of a gang and one of your members killed another member of a different gang you'd be held responsible for the actions of your men especially if you knew they were going to do it.

    it does not matter whether there is proof or not if he had anything to do with it, as the leader of the men that committed the atrocities he is accountable to them especially that information regarding these actions will not have been held from him.
  10. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Well played. I'd prefer this not to devolve into a "what is power" debate, though. My point still stands though - power may breed influence, but influence is not dependent on power to exist.

    It came up on IRC a couple months before I was banned (ironically for implying some of the mods here are useless), if you must know. We were discussing hypothetical staff candidates. And hell, even if Seph hadn't said anything it's pretty obvious I'd never be considered - I pick fights with staff, have been banned from IRC several times, troll constantly, and have had more warns than you'll have girlfriends. But that's off-topic.
  11. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    If you had read what I said, you would've noticed I criticized Obama for bowing to the queen....
  12. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Is there any German people on here than can answer the question.Id say French also,but they are still running!
  13. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I think this question could start a lot of trouble.
  14. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

  15. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I dont see how it can cause trouble.I could chat with someone English about battles with Scotland,and people from Japan chat on here with people from America.This is supposed to be a friendly debate-so theres no need for anyone Italian to prepare to kiss German ass,anyone French to buy a new pair of running shoes-or anyone German to fire up their U-Boat LOL
  16. Silvertie

    Silvertie Well-Known Member

    Well, while it's insensitive to make fun of the French at this date, it is kind of true. Two world wars and in both cases the French defence has been about as effective as thin paper mache vs. a brick. Also, it's just a joke... Germany's not gearing up for WW3 any time soon.... I hope. (puts tinfoil hat on)
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    then it's you that's being ridiculous. Bowing is a sign of respect, nothing more. the Japanese do it all the time, and it used to be very common in England in years past. At the beginning of the last century, a man would always kiss a woman's hand. It was nothing more than showing respect for the lady. You may not have noticed, but the Queen is a lot older than Obama, and it is a good thing to respect your elders.
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Very true. More of what I was saying is that a man being called "The Most Powerful man in the World", wouldn't have the need to do so...But yes, you're completely right, and I knew I'd get caught up eventually in what I said.
  19. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Does there need to be definitive proof that 6 million people died at the hands of he Nazis cruelty? I do not think so. Do we need to remember the atrocities that the Nazis played a part in? I think most certainly we do. If we don't wish to have another world war, we would do well to remember what past has taught us, rather than question the intimate detail. He was a cruel person, and whether or not he did issue direct orders for the killing of Jewish people and many others (Gypsies for example), or the creation of sex camps to start a new generation, we still need to remember the Great War and World War 1, as if it happened moments ago, for if you let the past fade away, it will only become the present, and with the world as it is today, I wouldn't wish to see that happen.
  20. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    There is proof that more than 10 million of people died cause of the Nazis (6 Million Jews), yes. He did gain his way to lead the Nazis, yes.

    The Holocaust IS the killing of millions of people, during world war II. These are the people most responsible for it: (wikipedia lol)
    Adolf Hitler · Heinrich Himmler · Ernst Kaltenbrunner · Theodor Eicke · Reinhard Heydrich · Adolf Eichmann · Rudolf Hoess · Nazi Party · Schutzstaffel (SS) · Gestapo · Sturmabteilung (SA)

    At this time police officers tormented Jews and even children in Nazi Germany. Is this really genius to him? He must be stupid.

    So yeah, you can tell your sister's boyfriend to kiss my ass (lol not really).
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