My name was slightly inspired by the movie "The Big Lebowski" and not really inspired by my weight. I'm an electronic junkie with more computers than I need. I like to try new things and learn. Some people think I'm an ass but I will call things as I see them. (Especially if you claim to be a grammar nazi and have a deplorable sense of comma placement). I went to University for five years so far, with a double major in the English and Spanish languages. I am not too far from my MA now. I'm all about music, movies, and games. I like to have my electronic backups because dealing with discs when you collect like I do is a royal pain in the butt. I keep my discs in a chest without the case, just the paper, proof of purchase, and disc. If I kept them in their cases, I would probably need a separate room for them all. I have one computer specifically for ripping music/dvds. When I buy a new disc, I put it in and a script automatically gets what I need, then the disc goes in the chest. I like to shop at flea markets specifically for cheap movies, music, and used games. I have a movie library of around 600 movies (Around 12 different TV shows, mostly anime). I have a music library of around 10,000 songs. As I said, electronic junkie I am.
I tend to download roms because I refuse to buy the equipment to rip them myself. (And I seem to fail at ripping wii games 9/10 times.) (Even though I would like to, I don't like cutting into my impulse shopping budget.)