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Hey all you Rockman EXE fans

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by naruto6768, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. roxxas138

    roxxas138 New Member

    I'll wait, dude. And hey, while I was gone, what happened to all the other MegaMan games? Can't download it anymore. What happened.
  2. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Ask the ESA... I think nintendo actually won. I hoe Seph turns into some Alpha and crush the ESA or something...yea...
  3. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    well, mybe Romulation could band together and crush them. With Seph as our General/ Admiral.
  4. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Yea we already tried that. We even had our modaraters too,with their help we took out Mr.Miyamoto, Reggie and a few other Big N officials...Buut...The ESA took out all of our modaraters with those old copys of E.T that were suposively buryed in a desert... Then, loony gave the last of his energy to seph for his last battle with Satoru Iwata.Pumbbled him, yada yada, then Satoru Iwata turned into this giant almost imposible-to-beat gaming machine... But Seph beat game after game after game... But when Iwata pulled out his last trump card, a game 10 GAZILLIION TIMES HARDER THN THIS ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQZuidKexBQ.... and then... a gamers worst fear came after 5 weeks of gaming none stop...Carpal Tunnel syndrom!!! Seph lost this great battle because Iwata purposesly put games in that triggers carpal tunnel...And yea.. thats what happened... I've been so bored from not having games to test that I had time to come up with that completely logiacal story that problyy has a million typos that wont be fixed because im tired and dont really feel like going back to check my typing...
  5. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Don't forget, you also need to translate the Shooting Star Rockman segments in the game

    Rather, a rerelease. Shooting Star Rockman is the only thing new to this game. Which disappointed A LOT of Battle Network fans.