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Help with Pokémon SoulSilver on a older R4i Gold card

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Aysell95, May 15, 2016.

  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No. Don't need the rest of what's inside RGF's package. Each folder is for different flashcart brand. Just follow what I told you earlier. The Dats from Jhon 591 package is essentially an update of RGF's files of the same name for newer roms available that RGF hasn't release.
  2. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    But there are two DATS folders there, with the file .dats in there.. *confused*
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Like I said earlier, inside RGF's package for v.7.0.4 is a folder named R4i-SDHC YSMENU. You just copy over that folder including all its content to your SD Micro. You'll see inside THAT folder there are 2 more folders inside; GAMES & TTMENU. What you want to do next is download Jhon 591's package & overwrite the extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, savlib.dat & usrcheat.dat in that TTMENU folder with his files. Ignore all the rest of the files & folders found in RGF & Jhon 591 package that I've not mentioned.
  4. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    does the YSMENU have an NDS file for me to run it, and if so, can i put a 1 in front of the name so it shows up at the top of the list, or will that render it useless?
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I won't recommend renaming the YSMENU.nds, despite it possible. That rom is your bootloader. You can see it there inside the R4i-SDHC folder. You'll get use to the action of running it first before playing games.

    If your original firmware doesn't have any files named as TTMENU.dat, TTMENU folder, YSMenu.nds; then go ahead and place it together with the original firmware, as it won't be accidentally overwriting the original files. Thus won't need to be kept in a separate folder from the original. But if there is, then best kept in a separate folder. You don't need to add the 'How to Install.txt' file to your SD Micro.

    Got to go, bye.
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
  6. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    but when i unzip the v.7.0.4 r6599 file, i don't see the files i need to use.. i see a load of text files, and three folders. DAT, DAT2 and DLL. Where do i go next? there are no .DATS files in the starting folder.
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Ah... I see, you must have downloaded these;
    306681-RetroGameFan DAT Update v7.04 6599 <--- not this one.
    305211-RetroGameFan Multi Cart Update v7.04 <--- yes this is the first package

    Those two are RGF's files which I posted. See below it, you'll see a post by Jhon 591. Where in it he gave a MEGA link to an updated v.7.0.4 r6599 DAT files. Download that one. It's newer than the v.7.0.4 6599 link I had posted.

    Again, what you need to overwrite in the TTMENU folder are ; extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, savlib.dat, and usrcheat.dat. Just copy & paste Jhon 591's files into the TTMENU folder, and press overwrite when asked.

    Now I've got to go. Bye.
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
  8. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    Update: I tried the second firmware, but then i get two grey screens, the touchscreen being swarmwed with black text, layer over layer, so i can't tell you about what they're saying. When i try to select a game, i get three buttons and the entire thing freezes no matter what i choose.. I'm really beginning to lose hope to get it to work.. If possible, when you return, can you help me?
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I see, ok then seems you need to do these steps instead;

    So let's re-do from the start.

    1. Delete all R4i-SDHC YSMENU related files from your SD Micro
    2. Back up your original R4i firmware to your computer (*Always keep a copy in your PC!)
    3. Format your SD Micro
    4. Return your original R4i firmware to your SD Micro. (By now your SD Micro is back to its original/old state.)
    5. Download this (RetroGameFan's) : http://filetrip.net/nds-downloads/f...rogamefan-multi-cart-update-v7-04-f33466.html
    * Choose 'Manual Download' when prompted.
    6. Extract the package & open
    7. Copy content of folder 'DSTTi-Clone TTMENU to your SD Micro
    8. Download this (Jhon 591's) : https://mega.nz/#!ZUByQBzC!5EirQYED-S3xGLOaqT2aiY8OWDehVgPARNCblWlKF7A
    9. Again extract the package & open
    10. Copy these DAT files; extinfo.dat, savlib.dat, usrcheat.dat & infolib.dat, and overwrite it onto the same files found in the TTMENU Folder in your SD Micro
    11. Boot up your flash cart on your NDSi
    12. Load TTMenu.nds first then you can choose what game to play

    Hopefully it works. If it still doesn't then there's no other alternative firmware to salvage your old cartridge.

    In case you want to make the YSMENU/TTMENU into your primary firmware, IF and ONLY IF the above works, you can then do this; rename the TTMenu.dat to iLL.iL.

    While if it doesn't work after doing all 12 steps, then simply do over steps 1 to 4 again to return it to its original condition. And that's it, I've nothing else to add which can help solve your problem.
    Aysell95 likes this.
  10. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    Good afternoon! Alrighty, i'm going to start with that now. Is it a common problem with older r4i cards, or is it just that they have a sort of expiration date, to where you need to buy a new product?
  11. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    Do i put the games in the games folder or just on the card?
  12. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Oh hey, just got back online. Yeah, good for you. You can place the game rom anywhere you like.
    A device like a flash cart can become damage at any time like all electronic devices.
    Doesn't matter if it's old or new.
  14. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    I have a specific question about the LoZ spirit tracks rom.. The train controls aren't visible.. Do you know if romU has the cracked version?
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You don't need cracked rom for all NDS rom found on this site with the already up to date TTMENU/YSMENU you're using. They'll all run just fine. You can however talk to member/moderator "Jhon 591" for advice regarding that game. He played it & have provided multiple saves of that game in a topic in this forum. Top that off, he's the one with most knowledge along with RetroGameFan, regarding updating YSMENU files. You can search for that 'LOZ: Spirit Track' topic using the search bar on the right top side. I've not played that game.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Aysell95 likes this.
  17. Aysell95

    Aysell95 Well-Known Member

    I've tried both of them.. i transfered a patched version (patched with the DS scene tool) from my other pc, and that was a Xenomorph version. I read that the non visible control is something inplanted by Nintendo.. But anyway, i wanna thank you both for all the support, i'm so glad my R4i card has a future, especially with the games i couldn't play before!!!
    Jhon 591 likes this.
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No problem, you're very welcome.