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Help me to stop smoking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by syx, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    no not eventually...NOW!!!!! :p
  2. syx

    syx Active Member

    maybe that's the cause of the misconception that lead to this addiction, evertime I say it's the last , there's always another one compromising..

    but then, how I handle the sudden crave?
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Once you get motivated then you will beat this. As you have not been smoking for very longit is unlikely that you have done any harm to yourself, and it is much more difficult for a long term smoker to quit as the practice of smoking has become part of their lives for so long. Good luck, and even if you do fail at quitting a few times don't let it get you down, keep at it, you will win in the end.

    This is why I found nasal snuff tobacco useful, it took the edge off the craving but is not stong enough to become an addiction in itself. Certainly this approach is not for everyone, I imagine most people would be horrified at the idea, but it worked for me.
  4. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    hmmz...eat a carrot or something??
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Find a addiction for something else, like seeds.
  6. chaoslordsokar

    chaoslordsokar Well-Known Member

    nicotine patches. all you need, as many as you need, for as long as you need ! awesome !
  7. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    Punch yourself everytime you think or touch a sigaret!
  8. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    People usually smoke because they've done it so much to fit in that its ingrained into their heads...or because they're stressed. Obviously, smoking fuels the nicotine receptors in your brain. When you appeal to them even a little, they practically complain for more. Frankly, if you google 'the contents of a cigarette' (not exact, but get the courage to search what makes up a cigarette), you'll see that the many chemicals it puts out alone can scare people. And then there's the physical effects. Your lungs absorb the chemicals through the smoke, puts them into your bloodstream, and physically affects you. I just think that knowing what you're dealing with is one good reason for you to make a judgment call. And then if you get the need for a cigarette, find an alternative. Chew gum (whether its nicotine gum or just regular bubblegum), since gum chewing to me is as addicting as smoking. You do it enough times and get used to the taste in your mouth, and it tends to fit into your life. But at least with gum, its just sugar. Anyway, I'm not a smoking expert. But I think that if you wanna quit, just do your research on the bad things about smoking. Not like there's any good that can come out of smoking. Except the companies that profit from it.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I would agree to that-even applies to video game addicts ie me :(

    ...if you got the will, just stop, just think of how bad it is, but think "there is more than this horribile smelling crap" and if anyone offer's a cig (for any reason) just snap at them-while socially it's a bad idea it will re-enforce the notion cigs are bad, i would say...


    And make a scene...

    (only use that if your social level is as low as mine-other wise I'd just stop and make sure nothing come back by telling your self "I'm better than that)

    Or get addicted to something time consuming, like video ga-I mean, model kits, um....not many good things to get addicted on that ain't gonna hurt in some way, but find a way to curb off it...

    (Yeah I know my idea sounds stupid-but it might have worked with me if I had anyone to lash out at if they offered me a round in smash bros)
  10. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Problem with saying "just stop" its not going to work unless you really want to stop, I tried stopping once and went back to it becasuse in my head it was my "escape" and I really didn't want to stop, I need too don't get me wrong, but I just don't want to.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    this is ridiculous you don't need help, you have been smoking for three months!
    its barely enough time to get addicted or affect your taste buds so stop talking crap.
    your smoking cause you want to smoke and that's all it is.

    if you want to stop just stop you will find you have no side effects bar the mental ones thinking you need one.

    i smoked for 5 years and decided one day "ah this tastes horrible" (not to mention i got board of going out of my way to have one) and that was it i stopped no side affect nothing. maybe its because i have a really non addictive personality but it wasn't hard at all if you actually want to stop.
    but i still smoke occasionally when i'm out drinking or the occasional spliff and i can knowing its not going to affect anything because i don't want to smoke during the day because truthfully cigarettes taste like shit they make you smell like shit and it makes your fingers, nails, skin and teeth yellow so you look like shit too.

    all this talk of cigarettes i might just pop out and have one :D

    there is no way you are addicted to the point of needing patches or any of that nonsense if you want to smoke just smoke if you truly want to stop just stop, any addiction you currently have is in your head.
  12. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    If you're craving cigarettes, your body probably needs them. I would just give in and do as you're told. The stress from quitting after being a heavy smoker for three months might kill you.

    That said, what he said ^ is pretty much true dude. It's three months! If you're having trouble stopping it's because you don't want to mentally. I highly doubt it's some physical reaction your body is having.

    I've yet to experiencing the yellowness on my nails, skin, or teeth strangely enough- and I'd rather take the smell of a cigarette over the "I woke up late, rolled out of bed, and went out in the close I was wearing the night before" smell. And if the smokes taste like shit, you might have bought those mexican donkey shit cigarettes.

  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Not a chance. 30 years maybe, 3 months, no.
  14. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Oh loonylion, you knows I'm just kidding. I'm the loveable scamp who smokes and drinks profusely- often alone, the signs of a true alcoholic.
  15. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Hold up!! 3 months?! *reads ENTIRE topic this time*

    If its only been 3 months then you should have an easier time quitting....ah! The hell with it...quit if you want, smoke if you don't 'nuff said. *leaves to go smoke*
  16. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member


    this could help.
  17. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Just become lazy. I've not smoked for days before out of sheer laziness. My days off from work/school are usually split up by several days in a row of working. Sometimes though, I can get a few days off in a row! If I don't have a ridiculous amount of errands to run, I close the blinds, rap myself in a blanket, and play video games from sun up till sun down. I only get up to relieve myself, and I generally forget to eat until it's time for bed. Then my girlfriend gets pissed off at me for not cleaning up the apartment like she told me to, then I cower in fear and cry a single tear.

    Girlfriends aren't worth it my friends, stay the hell away from women.
  18. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I think that is my worst times is when I am lazy and have nothing else better to do.
  19. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    it only takes a few cigarettes to get addicted and if you even start smokin best to quit early
    one of my teachers said that they got off cigarettes by having a glass of water every time you feel like having a smoke
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    My mother is actually a certified hypnotist and does take clients who wants to stop smoking, and apparently the quitting rate is quite high, so I can recommend it based on statistics.