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[HELP] Acekard 2i

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by shashimii, Jan 1, 2010.

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  1. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    You problem haven't turned on the option to view people signatures. This can be enabled under "Look and Layout Preferences" in your profile page.
  2. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    thanks to your help.

    what is the shape of the bump?
  3. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Don't know, since I've never had an AK2i with one, sorry.
  4. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    ugh. sorry.
    i bought today. at 1,100 pesos or 24.06 usd
    an acekard 2. and it says. DSI compatible.
    and its black and has no bumps.

    i only need to set up the akaio thingy..

    Edit: Quick format only right?
    and.. can you give me the specific that i will download?

    thanks a lot. sorry for disturbing.

    Edit again: is it just me or my acekard2i is slower than my r4i pocket?

    sorry for many newbie questions..
  5. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Make a folder on your computer and move all of your save files and roms from your microSD card to it. Now you should reformat your card using the Panasonic formatter, then reinstall a fresh version of AKAIO 1.5 on your mircoSD card. After that install the latest loaders in the _aio/loaders directory. Make a folder titled "Games" on your mircoSD and place all of your roms and save files there. IMPORTANT: make sure the the save extensions for all of the save files are the same or else it will appear that all of your save files are lost (EX. Pokemon.sav or Pokemon.nds.sav). Load the AK 2i and press the start button, go to System Properties, click the right trigger two times, and scroll down to the save extension option and make sure that it is set to what you currently have, as sometimes when reinstalling AKAIO the preferences can change. Enjoy,

    PS- It is just you, the AceKard 2i should blow the R4i pocket out of the water compared in performance
  6. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    thanks. Ive downloaded that but i did not put it in my acekard2i.. but i can play games..
    so. what is loader for?

    another question:
    and.. here. i will give example cuz i cant explain.
    example : i save a file to "Ace Attourney.nds" and then an "Ace Attourney.sav" file will display...
    my question is.. when I rename it to "Ace Attourney1.nds", do i need to rename the save file to?
    and.. will it work?
  7. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    A loader, I'm pretty sure it updates you AK2i's bootloaders or something like that, which increases game capability.

    Yeah, the .SAV file needs to be the exact same name.
  8. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    ahh. so the loader is like speeding up the game too?
    ill try to change again my ace attourney.. cuz im on the stage 3.. then i learned about the dsi. changed alot in mem stick and r4i to acekard2i.. then.. it somewhat. didnt read the sav file.

    thanks alot guys..

    oops. i forgot to ask this..
    how can i access the dsi shop? without being 1.4?
    is there any other way? im in 1.2U or 1.3U..
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No, it adds extra compatibility. You can update the internal loader so that the Acekard 2i will work on a DSi with 1.4 firmware. Read this tutorial. https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=21995.0
  10. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    ahh. thanks a lot.
    i need a dsl to upgrade my acekard2i, right?

    and.. does the dsl can download apps for free?

    sorry for so many newbie questions.
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You need a DSL or a DSi on a firmware lower than 1.4 to update the Acekard 2i.
  12. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    im in 1.2 or 1.3 firmware..
    and im on 1.5 akaio bla bla..

    how can i update to 1.4? without another ds?
  13. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Click on the first link on my sig, and scroll down until it has the mini-tutorial on how to update the AK2i.
  14. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    ahhh.. so i dont need any extra ds?
    im on 1.2 or 1.3 with latest akaio and will put latest loader..

    can i update now to 1.4?
    thanks a lot..
  15. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    yes, let me know if you have further problems
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The tutorial I linked shows you how to update. https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=21995.0 You can use your existing DSi.
  17. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    thanks again...
    is it better if i update to 1.4?

    Edit: do i need to update to 1.4? or just stay to 1.2?
  18. Jayne Locke

    Jayne Locke Well-Known Member

    Does the Acekard 2i have better cheat support than the R4i?
  19. shashimii

    shashimii Well-Known Member

    i think i understand now..
    what im saying is.. how can i update to 1.4? so that i can access the dsi shop?
  20. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Wait, do you want to upgrade you DSi???? If so this is how:
    -Go to System Settings
    -Go to Page4
    -Click on "System Update"

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