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Hello everyone!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by tsubakix2, Nov 29, 2010.

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  1. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    Oh college, a bastion of social awkwardness and parties.

    I assume you have a clone R4 cart, so you have the options of YSMenu and R4 Wood?
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    If you wanna use romanji, at least spell it correctly.
  3. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    Huh? I figured I would since not everyone has Japanese language sets, but please excuse me since I don't usually write out those characters. I learned in hiragana, katakana, kanji. ^^;;

    おはよう... which breaks down for me when typing in o-ha-yo-u. But, I imagine the roman characters are probably presented differently. My bad.:) I took Japanese 3 years in uni, but it has been a while since I used it regularly much to my chagrin.D:

    And for fun! My user name hahaha. つばき or 山茶. Tsubaki. Hurrah for flowers! And a stupid love of X2 in usernames of mine.

    Haha. It was more a bastion of studying, drinking, and hanging out with a pretty close group lol. But very fun!

    I do- I use YSmenu with it actually. I'm really enjoying it.
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