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Hell is it or isn't it

Discussion in 'Debates' started by monter, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    didnt see this before... the answer is they indiscriminately kill other animals regardless of whether or not they pose a threat, or whether or not the baboon needs food. They kill for no reason other than the sake of killing.
  2. luckyphill

    luckyphill Member

    I belive that you create your own personel hell not in the afterlife but in this life GOD or the DEVIL (good or evil) are just states of your own existance on this plane of existance!. people use the excuse of religion to cause this hell on earth now.
    also if you belive in one you have to belive in the other so you cant belive in heaven if you dont belive in hell.
    I personaly dont belive in hell as an external firey place run by demons.
    hell is poverty, hunger, and a flat battery on my DS and the power being turned off so i can recharge it
  3. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    meh, every religion has its own hell.it's something like yin and yang, evil and good, and it is the counterpart of heaven. whether you like it or not, you are convinced to believe in one if you have a religion.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    good and evil are real and both needed as with out one you can't have the other but the truth is hell is not even written about in some of the religions that belive in it and is something just made up and talked about by the leaders mainly to scare people in to not doing bad.
  5. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    If the rules of afterlife are anything like that of earth, I think it's safe to say that Hell is a fairytale made up to scare primitive people into behaving properly. We should have stopped the shenanigans 1600 years ago, but I guess the leaders that held the secrets died off, and now our leaders (see: Bush) pray to the invisible man protecting us from Hell. I can't figure out why religion is so popular today, people are just looking for answers, reasons, I guess. If it helps people behave then I'm for it, but unfortunately more people have been killed because of these moral guidelines than have been saved. Religion is a failed project. I've gone off on a tangent. An offensive one too. Excuse my opinions, it's the debates board though. Modern debates are never civil. :)
  6. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I'll find out for myself when I die.
  7. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

    I believe in hell.

    I also believe in God.

    That being said, I believe that Hell is a real place where you will go if you disobey God.

    No, I'm not some stuck up religious nutjob who's going to try to convert every single person on this forum. I'm just stating what I believe to be true.

    I don't believe that there is a Hell in the sense that everyone believes there to be.
    For example, I don't believe in the Hell that I go to as soon as I die where I perform slave work for a red-skinned, horn-bearing, pitchfork wielding devil.
    I believe in the real, biblical Hell which is the eternal lake of fire which all non-believers are cast into when Christ returns to claim his kingdom.

    I don't like my religion, but I love my God.
    I don't associate with the corruption that everyone sees in the churches, and I don't like being associated with the modern Christian religion, but I believe in a loving God and His son, Christ.

    I say that because I don't want to come off as the typical Christian who hates everybody and everything that isn't Christian.

    tl;dr I believe in hell.
  8. err

    err Well-Known Member

    I believe in hell and I am also Christian, but I sometimes think they push it too much. The goal of the Christian (according to the Bible) is to convert the world. I think that's overkill. I also admit that some religious leaders are corrupt and make up stuff so they can convert people. I dunno, I guess hell is real but if people choose to not believe its inhumane to force them to believe. If they don't want to believe, we can't do anything because it's their own life and they decide whats best for themselves. And that seems much better than going around the world almost forcing people to believe in something they don't have to believe in.
  9. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    I dont belive in heaven or hell, though I keep an open mind. If hell was to be real then it wouldn't be the fire pit that everyone invisions, it would be more like an ongoing nightmare of all of the things that you are scared of.

    I dont deny that there is a god, but I understand that there is no possible way of obtaining proof as to whether a god does exsist
  10. tiklu

    tiklu Well-Known Member

    I belive heaven and hell... but not on religious way [and I don't belong to any religious community [non-believer^^]]. There is other ways to think about example cross... It's not always symbol of Christianity.
    I haven't thought things from other view before my gf explained me a lot of many kind of things [I also learned to see hell and heaven differently than before [I though those are only Christians woo woo things]]
  11. john2

    john2 New Member

    IF hell was real not that i believe it is, it would be an interesting concept because as wouldn't be able to die i would be able to experience every type of death there is it would be interesting.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I wouldn't know what to believe, if there was a hell, I'd be RSVP'd :(

    It most likly is a scare tatic made by elders to make sure young people wouldn't do bad-but with the way things are going-hell doesn'[t exsist-what ever is classed as evil to some other's consider "fun, needed to be done, or just daily grind"...

    Like here in australia, a man doing hoon driving (see-driving like he was in a race track) lsot an arm in a crash-after he got out-his car got impounded for burnouts...

    Later, he wanted a licence plate that said "1armhoon"!

    He may have "mental issues' but today's society doesn't believe in hell-and how can we even prove it-when we die we tell no one what it's like...

    It shall forever remain a mery-unless they figure how to ressurect the dead after being burried for years :)
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    This is what the Christian Unity church thinks about hell, this seems to make a little more sense than all the 'lake of fire' stuff. At the very least these Unity church ideas do stem from honest translation of the bible. I am not a Christian, but it is good to read different perspectives on this belief.

    The Unity Church considers the concept of everlasting physical hell to be false doctrine and contradictory to that reported by John the Evangelist.

    “The word hell is not translated with clearness sufficient to represent the various meanings of the word in the original language. There are three words from which "hell" is derived: Sheol, "the unseen state"; Hades, "the unseen world"; and Gehenna, "Valley of Hinnom." These are used in various relations, nearly all of them allegorical. In a sermon Archdeacon Farrar said: "There would be the proper teaching about hell if we calmly and deliberately erased from our English Bibles the three words, 'damnation,' 'hell,' and 'everlasting.' I say - unhesitatingly I say, claiming the fullest right to speak with the authority of knowledge - that not one of those words ought to stand any longer in our English Bible, for, in our present acceptation of them, they are simply mistranslations." This corroborates the metaphysical interpretation of Scripture, and sustains the truth that hell is a figure of speech that represents a corrective state of mind. When error has reached its limit, the retroactive law asserts itself, and judgment, being part of that law, brings the penalty upon the transgressor. This penalty is not punishment, but discipline, and if the transgressor is truly repentant and obedient, he is forgiven in Truth. - Charles Fillmore, Christian Healing, Lesson 11, item eleven.”
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Hades is the greek god of the underworld.
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Indeed he is. Some Christians adapted the word for their own uses.
  16. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    1prinnydood, I always check your posts. You are consistently good value. I may not agree with al\ot of your opinions but you always argue your point well, and sometimes you make me laugh. Keep it up. Also isn't hell other people?
  17. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    once you believe in god and heaven then you must believe in hell, hell is the counter part of heaven......
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there's no requirement to believe in hell even if you do believe in heaven.
  19. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    yes there is as i said hell is the counter part of heaven
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    neither hell or heaven are real even if you believe in it as they are poor translations/theology