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Heart Gold (U) Black Screen

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cilerba, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    Hm. I've made it from NewBark to Cherrygrove, and I'm not getting any black screens so far. Am I ever going to be able to play with cheats again though considering it works without them (so far that is)? D:
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure but i think the usrcheat.dat is staing to get to big, I notest cheats with mario cart DS also cases black screens, Do you also now and then get freezing while enbaling a cheat and press start to save cheat ?....

    You can use R4CCE.exe to edit the usrcheat.dat and add in them games only to a new usercheat.dat
  3. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    Yeah I do often get freezing with the usrcheat. In fact, whenever I edit it with the R4CCE, it crashes on me. T-T
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    When edit a usrcheat.dat just save , do not save as.
  5. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    Well I made a new .dat with just heart gold, and the codes I really needed, but I always get the black screen while using cheats. I don't get the screen when I don't use cheats, I don't get it.
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Me to ??? , wtf .
  7. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    Hopefully somebody else will be able to figure it out.
  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Maybe the cheats have a bug in their programming?
    Some cheats make save files corrupted or crash... so, which cheats did you use?
  9. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    I'm using Increase Message Speed
    High Speed Processing
    Gauge Animation Cut
    Pokemon Center Anim. Cut
    Remove Cut Scene for HMs
    Exp 4x
    Random Encounters
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Just PM HG / SS added alone

  11. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    I get an error when starting up HG through YSMenu: "disk errcode=-82"
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    author=Cilerba link=topic=58314.msg1366872#msg1366872 date=1327961574]
    I get an error when starting up HG through YSMenu: "disk errcode=-82"

    YSMenu Error Code Guide


  13. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    Nope, I still got the black screen. T__T
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'd suggest sticking to playing the game without the cheats. Unless you have a real urgent reason to why you use that many cheats. Cause the cheats you use seems to be related to wanting to make the game run faster. Anyway, just to note that using cheats render the offset/hexdecimals coding inside the game. And so often the rendering made using certain cheats will conflict with the offset written in YSMENU/WOOD. Unless someone help you to edit the offset in YSMENU (I forgot which must be editted; extinfo or infolib) to accomodate those cheats, you'll keep getting those errors. Or at least, try adding 1 cheat at a time, play, then add another, find out which of those cheats cause the error. Otherwise, try reducing further the number of cheats you use. For example, try not using the IMS, HSP, and RE cheats.

    Far as I can recall, the offset in YSMENU, addressed issues with;
    1. Anti Piracy Countermeasures Issue
    2. No Experience Issue
    3. Random Encounter Issue
    There might be more issues resolved, but those are the basic 3 that I'm able to recall so far; so try not to activate cheats related to those 3 for starter.
  15. Cilerba

    Cilerba Member

    How do you think I'd go about editing the offset in YSMenu?
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Who says about you doing the editing? I didn't. I said "Unless someone help you".
    You won't be here asking for help if you know how. And editing the offset in YSMENU is something that Retrogamefan, Jhon591, and 2CH able to do. I was suggesting you to;
    1. try adding 1 cheat at a time to find out which cause the problem
    2. try not using cheats related to AP FIX, Random Counter FIX, and No Experience FIX
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    extinfo.dat can technically be used as a cheater, but they are certain offset areas that can not be used in extinfo.dat - but would have to be a pediment cheat xd

    So no not a good idea.

    ARM9 areas are slighy static.

    Try prectorian options :)
  18. patmen

    patmen Member

    If you have a original R4DS it should also work with the newer Wood firmware.
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Cheack the first post he has already tryed.

    It must be the cheats for certain.