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have a RELATIONSHIP or LOVE problem? This is your page

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by watchasay, May 19, 2010.

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  1. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    about that girl again : a friend of mine said to a friend of his who is also a friend of her I like her now she keeps asking me to come to her in recess (I like it) what should I do?
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Date Registered:
    Tuesday August 19, 2008, 08:35:41 PM

    Date Registered:
    Thursday November 12, 2009, 02:38:21 AM

    My kids and my husband know who I am, does that count? .o. And if I totally lived in New Zealand, I would be those 'other girls' and probably be joining Suis and eventually getting my hands on venom. Not you though, definitely not you.

    Do we really have to spell it out?

    and lmao, recess.
  3. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    yes please :p I'll go to her tomorrow within RECESS since that's like the only time we see eachother :D
  4. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for asking such a retarded question. My apologies.
    Post Merge: [time]1274912827[/time]
    hey, there's this child that i would like to molest that plays in the playground near my house. how should i go about doing that?

    just kidding just please disregard that, because people seem to be very offended by kiddy fiddling these days.
  5. CoolerRanch

    CoolerRanch New Member

    Alright I got a story for you. I felled in love with my friends ex girlfriend. So I went to ask her out, she said yes. Well my friend was very piss by this and doesn't act like the friend I had before, and it seems like my other friends are in a way doing the same thing but are still talking to me. Now two weeks later, she dumps me for a 23 year old, she 16, her reason was she still loves me (hell she still flirts with me!) but her heart was calling out to him just because they wanted to date before I came into the picture. And I'm not going to lie, but I still want her back, because I just know one day they are going to do it, and she would become another Juno, and he would more likely leave her. I want to save her before its too late, so you think you can help me? :(
  6. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    Sorry CoolerRanch but i can't relate so i have no advice. Maybe she will grow up and stop being a stupid bitch.
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    You are so fucked man
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    She sounds impulsive...again I could say it's her age that's the cause.

    You can always stop being friends and call the cops (I know in Australia you can get in trouble for stuff like this XD)

    Molesting people is a very touchy subject, you can joke around but not with subjects like that...especially here considering the age of the users (both kids and parents alike here)

    ...that makes alot of sense.
  9. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Just fuck the dumb bitch and toss her aside! Seriously, she's not worth your time. She's a slut.

    I also want to make a comment that I find this thread totally amusing. People like Suis, Natewlie, Messo, and Littlekill make this thread much more awesome.
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i think friendship is the best foundation of a good relationship, so if she was your bestfriend and you know each other for a long time, then you have a greater chance. or if you don't make your move slightly introverted boy, you're better off just friends with her forever.
  11. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    Gah, posted this in the wrong area. Feel free to delete. I'm sorry.
  12. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member


    That doesn't sound silly at all. In matter of fact, it's a serious problem. Girls in your position have committed suicide over shit like that occurring in their past (like Phoebe Prince.)

    Since you are still in high-school, I would say wait until you get into college, preferably somewhere far away from the city you are in. You should be able to meet more mature men (as long as you don't hang out in fraternity/sorority parties.)

    EDIT: Oh god, did I just post some serious fucking advice? Someone please shoot me...
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Best friend's ex is a no go, man. Bros before hoes. It takes ages to get a decent bro. Women are a dime a dozen. You deserve it, so drop the girl, apologise to your friend, and win.

    Man, when I finally get around to visiting we should hit the town. I'll wingman for you, bro.
  14. zabueza

    zabueza New Member

    Post Merge: [time]1274930891[/time]
    this far my life was in much of trouble,specially in love much of hatred,like going to scrumble
    feel's like a nerd by myself,i just want to show them how strong im,everyone underestimated me,but i have a lot of friend,i hate an ego maniac girl's,such a stupid selfish girl,they never mention about what people want,it's just about her self,foolll
    they pretend to be good,but it's showing they are as a piece of shit as well wakakakakaka hahahaha ;D

    /././ for hYpNoS /././
    hahahaha i agreed with ur oppinion

    bye all
    im already satified too 8)
  15. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    the following advice applies to everyone's problems here: there is always the option of rape, if your that way inclined.
  16. Adam@Adam

    Adam@Adam Active Member

    Yeah I am, but I'm not one of those punk-ass rockers, I'm actually a really nice person. Everyone says I look like Harry Potter, that makes me sad
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    And people tell me I look like Edward from twilight (if he was asian XD) yet I don't get anything.

    My guess is, like me your just unlucky...unlike me though, keep trying.

    Persistence is key.

    I'd shoot you, but what you said here reminds me of the "debate master" I knew so much...

    Always in the know, god I miss this hypr :(

    ...I think you should shut up before you get into trouble.

    I knew someone that got raped, and maybe more times than I know because she tends to drink too much and leave her trust in horny men.

    So get serious.
  18. Adam@Adam

    Adam@Adam Active Member

  19. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Nearly every woman i know claims they have been raped, and i dont believe any of them. Seems like a far too common story with every single girl i meet and because of this, i don't believe this story anymore. "Oh wow you've been raped? Great story now perform fellatio on me."

    That's how i respond to that kind of shit.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I have been raped.

    Also, go to bed.

    Holy shit, I thought this was a PM, I got that pop-up thing and I thought I went there, what the hell.
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