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have a RELATIONSHIP or LOVE problem? This is your page

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by watchasay, May 19, 2010.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Describe yourself, it may help...

    I'm assuming your a rocker type person based on your taste?
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Keep trying different people. Or even the same people. At least you have the balls to ask someone out, unlike many in this thread.
  3. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes i think it's more about upbringing and experience than 'balls'. If you've grown up as an only child, living in the country, and your parents never took you anywhere you're probably disadvantaged for the rest of your life.

    I have to say that i just scored today.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    no because you have no idea of been bullied or conformity, it could actually be an advantage
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Still need that motivation to put yourself out there. That takes stones some of the time.
  6. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I like this girl, she was my former classmate and best friend. Since we are now in separate schools, chances are low
    I am a slightly introverted boy, I'm not good around girls.
  7. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I fell in love with my dsi.
    Post Merge: [time]1274847619[/time]
    except a new PSP is in my house and my dsi is shooting micro SD's at me. I mean have you seen that slim PSP? I want to insert my UMD into her disc drive.
  8. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    i told someone before on this thread but you from experience you can get a girl to like you if you get their attention by looking at them and smiling. used to always work when i did it unnintentionally in high schoool. seriously there were like 7 girls in total that had a crush on me back in high school. it was mint. i find that talking to them actually removes the mystery and they stop liking you. plus im not very socially adapted.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I score everyday. Yay.

    [me=Natewlie]wins. [/me]

    I think most of the people that post in here are the ones who want a relationship, not sex. Exception is Suis, he wants to get laid sometimes.
  10. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    If a girl has a crush on you does it mean that she wants sex?

    P.S Are you really a girl cuz some of the things you say make you sound like a dude?
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    No, it usually means she wants a relationship (which is usually someone to spend time with, rub in other peoples' faces, kiss occasionally if you have supposedly earned it, etc). When you get to a certain age chances of sex will exponentially increase if a chick is crushing on you, though.

    Also, I can totally confirm Natalie is a chick. An awesome one.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, it usually doesn't. As Suis said, most girls want relationships, and I'm part of that 'most girls'.

    Yes I am, also nothing makes me sound like a dude when I have to sleep in the kitchen.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    She is indeed 100% girl, she just happens to be (like most girls I know) in the know about how guys think..we aren't hard to work out.

    And for that crush thing, yes, could be there and then when it starts, or later on, depends on the personality.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    And yet I thank whatever gods may exist when I'm doing the walk of victory from the place of some girl that turned out not to be "most girls".
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Tbh, I'd probably be the other girls if I wasn't married.

    I'm glad I am though. weeeeeeeeeeee.
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    walk of victory? we call it the walk of shame usually
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I call it the walk of flaccidility.

    /me is allow to make up words. Screw you.
  18. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Thing is, I am never ashamed of stepping out of a chick's place in the morning, because it's pretty obvious that I had a great night and I have no reason to feel bad about it.
  19. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know who watchasay is in real-life? I've got a feeling she is someone i know that somehow knows that i go on this forum.
  20. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    No, and let's keep it that way.
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