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have a RELATIONSHIP or LOVE problem? This is your page

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by watchasay, May 19, 2010.

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  1. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    :p you're right geo
  2. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    youre both wrong. look up fat in the dictionary.
  3. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    here it is:–adjective
    1.having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese: a fat person.
    2.plump; well-fed: a good, fat chicken.
    3.consisting of or containing fat; greasy; oily: fat gravy; fat meat.
    4.profitable, as an office: a fat job on the city commission.
    5.affording good opportunities, esp. for gain: a fat business contract.
    6.wealthy; prosperous; rich: He grew fat on dishonest profits.
    7.big, broad, or extended; thick: a fat sheaf of bills.
    8.plentiful; abundant: a fat supply of food.
    9.plentifully supplied: a fat larder; a fat feast.
    10.dull; stupid: fat clumsiness of manner.
    11.abounding in a particular element: Fat pine is rich in resin.
    12.(of paint) having more oil than pigment.Compare lean2 (def. 6).
    13.(of coal) highly bituminous; rich in volatile hydrocarbons.
    14.Ceramics. long1 (def. 25).
    15.fertile, as land: Everything grows in this fat soil.
    16.any of several white or yellowish greasy substances, forming the chief part of adipose tissue of animals and also occurring in plants, that when pure are colorless, odorless, and tasteless and are either solid or liquid esters of glycerol with fatty acids; fats are insoluble in water or cold alcohol but soluble in ether, chloroform, or benzene: used in the manufacture of soap, paints, and other protective coatings and in cooking.
    17.animal tissue containing much of this substance; loose flesh; flabbiness: to have rolls of fat around one's waist.
    18.the richest or best part of anything.
    19.obesity; corpulence: In his later years, he inclined to fat.
    20.Slang. especially profitable or advantageous work.
    21.an overabundance or excess; superfluity.
    22.action or lines in a dramatic part that permit an actor to display abilities.
    23.Also, phat. Also called lift. Typesetting. matter that can be composed easily and profitably, esp. from standing type, illustrations, or the like: fat work. Compare lean2 (def. 11).
    –verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
    24.to make or become fat.
    25.a fat chance, Slang. a very slight chance; small probability: A fat chance he has of winning the title!
    26.a fat lot, Slang. little or not at all: A fat lot they care about anyone else's troubles!
    27.chew the fat. chew (def. 11).
    28.the fat is in the fire,
    a.an irrevocable action or chain of events has been started; the die is cast: Now that they have been given an ultimatum, the fat is in the fire.
    b.the decision, whether good or bad, has been made.
    c.the crisis is imminent.
    29.the fat of the land, the best or richest of anything obtainable: to live on the fat of the land.
    Use fat in a Sentence
    See images of fat
    Search fat on the Web


    bef. 1000; ME; OE fǣtt, orig. ptp. of fǣtan to cram, load, adorn; c. Goth fētjan to adorn; akin to vat

    —Related forms
    fatless, adjective
    fatlike, adjective
    de·fat, verb (used with object),-fat·ted, -fat·ting.
    o·ver·fat, adjective
    un·fat·ted, adjective

    —Can be confused: fat, phat.

    1. portly, adipose, pudgy. See stout. 3. unctuous, fatty. 4. lucrative, remunerative. 8. copious. 10. sluggish. 15. rich, fruitful, productive.

    1. thin. 3. lean. 10. clever. 15. sterile, barren
  4. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    oh jee, you just owned me with that copy and paste
  5. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Well, at least the youth here don't have say, spontaneous homicidal tendencies? Always a big plus in my book.
  6. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    nope I just looked it up like you said :p
  7. georockman

    georockman Well-Known Member

    xD thats a win to young people... YOUNG 1 - 0 OLD
  8. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    are you implying that i have spontaneous homicidal tendencies?
  9. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    could someone explain what spontaneous homicidal tendencies means (I'm dutch so I don't get it :p)

    I guess it means a sudden feeling to kill?
  10. georockman

    georockman Well-Known Member

    nah i doubt it... its like cold blooded or something... i don't quite under stand either...
  11. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    well atleast 1 thing we have in common :p
  12. georockman

    georockman Well-Known Member

    LOL, i am not cold blooded... *i guess that's why i live in the sewer's* :p
  13. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    I meant we both don't know what spontaneous homicidal tendencies means
  14. georockman

    georockman Well-Known Member

    oh right... cool, i am so bored... going on msn now :)
  15. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    yesss. theyve gone so i can talk with my other self because i am schizo. i think im gonna go kill myself now. there is nothing sarcastic or witty in what i am saying. im veryserious.
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    ITT: Pubescent hormonal males, people who seriously don't know how relationships work, cool people whom I cannot classify like nex (but I bet you get all the ass, you sly dog), me, and Natalie.

    I honestly believe that people belonging to the first two categories shouldn't be giving advice to each other because okay you know what I don't even know why the fuck I care about making your lives better by saying that 12 year olds shouldn't be allowed to give relationship advice. DO EVERYTHING. It's not like it even matters, none of you idiots know what love is. I do but since I have none of this at the moment I fill the void with a string of short term sleeparounds. Jesus. You all suck.
  17. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    youre right. i do suck. i dont listen to them anyway even though i let them annoy me.
  18. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I... I don't care!
  19. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    its a pitty we talk to each other through text because you cant tell the tone of voice people use, so i dont know what you meant by that.

    on an unrelated topic, i want to smash my face into something really hard. that is all.
    Post Merge: [time]1274526195[/time]
    god reply man. im sitting here waiting for something to occupy my mind. im gonna punch myself in the face or slam it into the wall. i must have adhd or something. what would i do without computers?
  20. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I think he's just freaking out because you and him live in the same country.
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