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Harvest Moon: Sunshine islands save..

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by snuggerdog, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. chibisunsun

    chibisunsun New Member

    I am having the same problems as snuggerdog and Valmur. It sucks b/c I restarted the game hoping it won't happen again and guess what it just did... =( I noticed that it happened around Fall both times. I tried looking for a solution but I haven't come across any.... Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
  2. snuggerdog

    snuggerdog Active Member

    I honestly have no idea i'll try copying the savefile and game from my brothers ds to mine again. I tried it before it still deleted my save file.
  3. chibisunsun

    chibisunsun New Member

    So frustrating I might actually just buy the game... On a side note has anyone updated with the kernel 1.24? or is that only for the clone r4s?

    Post Merge: [time]1260220234[/time]
    @snuggerdog and Valmur: Do you have the R4 v.1.18??
  4. haru_glory6

    haru_glory6 New Member

    is anyone working on a fixed version so the save won't be deleted?The game was released a lomg time ago and i began to play it until summer 1st(on the game)...then my data has been deleted and i didn't ask for it ;_;
    please,someone fix this save error ;_;
  5. damaztur

    damaztur Member

    I got the same problem just this morning.. Never had a problem, was playing the game about 2 weeks.. And all of a sudden: File 1 has been deleted:S
    But I think i know why. Normally when I save I overwrite, save completed and I turn off my DS.
    But what I did this morning was: Save, overwrite, save completed. Then check with save again (because I heard about corrupted save files), press no with overwrite and finally turned off my DS. Maybe that's got something to do with it?