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Harvest Moon : Grand Bazaar Thread ! ~~

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by koyuchan, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    So like I unequip everthing and press B?
  2. simpleprincess

    simpleprincess Active Member

    Never mind I checked my thread wooot
  3. Jam34556

    Jam34556 Member

  4. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Oh okay I got it. It's kinda tricky catching the flying ones though. Where do I get oil by the way?

    And I put as my sign: This farm is under 24 hour surveillance.
  5. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    You can make them i the 1st windmill or Buy during the bazaar Chen has them he always sells them actually
  6. Sneggz

    Sneggz Well-Known Member

    where did you guys download it? it seems really fun but i cant find it
  7. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Here you go: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=46487.0

    though you should try searching 1st :)
  8. Sneggz

    Sneggz Well-Known Member

    ah ty, i went through the 0001- 5000 games but i couldnt find it
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    What.. I've tried selling all the rocks and sticks, and bout 5 cabbages.
    I only got 2000$
  10. Jam34556

    Jam34556 Member

    You get better prices if you sell at the bazaar. To meet your sales goals you are going to have to plant a lot of plants. Once you harvest them, use them in a recipe because they sell for more. Also jumping in the river can net you gold which sells for 8000 at the bazaar which could easily help get you to your goal.
  11. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Every time I've jumped in the river I just get back out with nothing. Must be really lucky.
  12. Sheith

    Sheith Active Member

    Just tried it out but I think I prefer classic graphice.. :<
    Oh, and I named my farm Dennou, then drew Satchi on the sign! ^-^
  13. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Since I had to restart, I named my Purple Farm. (Purple is my favorite color)

    I'm in the process of wooing Lloyd and this first file. First Bazaar I made 5100 gold.

    Raising FP/LP is kind of hard. This is the first time I've started wooing any bachelor off the bat in playing any Harvest Moon game. I usually just go around making money.
  14. Jam34556

    Jam34556 Member

    I've only ever found 3 gold so far. Just have to keep doing it over and over everyday. Replenish stamina using the bath/toilet and go jump in some more. I usually do it after watering all my crops and then go replenish my stamina. Forage and talk to villagers and then jump in on my way back. Replenish it again jump in until I can just barely manage to water my crops again. Water crops, replenish, and jump in until very low on stamina. Then its off to bed.
  15. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    well to raise a high of money. summer is your best bet just buy pineapples and sell em 5 stars are like 6700 2.5 stars are about 1500-2000+ per crop and when you unlock
    your basement get a summer sun put it in the sun machine and you can plant as many pineapples for the whole year since the season on your basement would be summer unless you replace it which you shouldn't unless you cleared out your crops or else they'll die, and once you got a whole field of pineapples that would be about 53 pcs that could make alot of money you know :)
  16. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Lol. It's rare to get gold. I just cook the stuff I got 'cos it'll cost more when you sell it at bazaar.
  17. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    So what. How do I earn money to buy more seeds and fertilizers?
  18. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    and sometimes even though your crops aren't super fresh anymore like fairly fresh it could change to Super Fresh when you cook it :)
  19. naruto3215

    naruto3215 New Member

    Hey i know this is out of topic, but how do you get the item to train your pets?
  20. naokifails

    naokifails Member

    Is it just me, or is this game a tad easier than previous titles.