Ending is a bit predictable if you notice the the beginning cuts scene and the date. Also, the campaign A.I is a bit underwhelming. Overall great, but not GOTY. Single-player GOTY still goes to Mass Effect 2.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Halo lore at all, but the ending for Halo Reach was known since Halo 2.
All people have known that Reach was owned by the Covenant. Yes, I am familiar with the lore. I enjoy reading about the Forerunners and the in the book "fall of reach", it's pretty much known that Reach fell to the Covenant. Still, it's underwhelming. But I did want to cry a bit if that was me fighting for humanity and it did make me reflect back to our condition in real life. Alas, it's not among top 10 single-player experience in gaming.
forge is the best thing to come i play it and forge world is the biggest map you are going to see in the game Post Merge: [time]1285133222[/time] to me reach is the top of all halo game. with new guns for humans and the aliens (for got how to spell the name) it make it fun. the health bar system bring back what it was like in halo ce. having to plan out your movie if you are low on life was a big thing in halo ce. all in all legendary even tho it is a pain is worth to play. you will want to trow the controller at the tv curse out loud. and tea bag every enemy you see but it worth play legendary. to me this game is a must own for any fps. i all so think reach blows mw2 out of the water (not saying mw2 is bad just that the game has way to many campers and noobtubers and other assholes who want to do trick shoots just to show how much they play the game.) in halo you dont have campers because of your radar and if you find some one camping . it 50 to 50 that you are going to kill him or die. for all haters of halo. just give this game a try. most people who hate the game have never play it and are judgeing it just because they thing the world revolves them and they think they are right.
Campers are still there, in fact, the radar is motion tracking, meaning if the person isn't moving, it doesn't show up. But yeah, I'm liking it, the best Halo game for me, judge that on your own merits. Some of the multiplayer levels are just terrible and too many people vote for DMR Slayer and SWAT (I mean c'mon, that's taking away the armor abilities and other weapons), and it only fuels more of my hatred towards the Halo fanbase. Atleast Bungie's adding in Forged levels to their matchmaking, I'm happy about that. That essentially means more levels.
It's a great game overall. Best Halo overall, but then again Halo isn't the best FPS franchise to begin with.
it not the best but come close to most fps. there is truth some people want to play on lvs they know and not any of the new maps that are out. i say thins because i was playing invasion and the map that we play was the same one for the last 3 time. a new one comes up me wanting a change picks it. but every one picks the same dame map. i mean come on. to me 2 things come in to mind 1 they are only good on that one map and suck on the other one or 2 they are such a noob they just want to play the same thing over and over again
I got the Legendary Edition, and I must say I absolutely love Reach, I've been playing it tons since getting it. I like most of the maps, and gametypes. But one gametype I absolutely hate is HeadHunter. I just appall it, as it will piss you off. At least, it will piss me off anyways. Anyways, I'm saving up my Credits for some of the stuff I want, instead of buying whatever as I go along. What I want for my character is: Jun's Tactical Vest/Shemagh Scarf Body Piece, Emile's Kukri Right Shoulder, Sniper Rounds Left shoulder, Emile's Skull Carved EVA Helmet, Shotgun Shell Wrist Piece, and I honestly don't care much for the knee pieces, but will likely get the PARA ones. I also mainly use Kat's voice online, but will probably unlock the Chief as well. I also have my Flaming helmet, but honestly, you might as well put a halogen light on your head. It looks obnoxious, and it makes your head easier to pick out for Snipers and those using the DMR. But in all, very fun game, I really enjoy it.
The first one was a bang. No denying that but the second and third one in my opinion didn't live up to the first one. Halo: Reach does live up for me.
I'm know most people won't agree with this, but aside from a few points (forge world, firefight) I'm not enjoying this as much as Halo 3. The levels seem mundane and thrown together, and I hope the inevitable map packs are a lot better. I can't get used to the art style. It just doesn't seem as fun, kind of like the series took two steps forward, four steps back. It's probably just me though. I thought the campaign was good though. EDIT: After spending some time with the game, I realize how stupid I was. The game is a vast improvement over Halo 3. I really am liking the whole thing quite a bit. Worth the $60.
dude boring hell no. annoying yes. the game blow mw2 out of the water. for one you dont see people hacking to just when a goddame match. and another thing is when people came in halo you have a chance to kill them. mw2 they just stay in the same place and shoot you in the head. dont hate on a game that is good. is not the best fps but it sure comes dame close. it better the most and has a well told story. graphics of the game look awsome
Don't act as if Halo Reach doesn't have cheaters too. I've lost games because of lag switchers, meaning I see the switching hosts screen while the other team does whatever objective or kills the other team. It's like Halo 2 all over again!
i not say that halo reach does not have it cheaters. there is a lag switch here and there that is true. but you can play a game of mw2 with out some one useing some dame mod or some thing. that why i kind of hate mw2. another thing in mw2 there are so many assholes a trash talkers on the game. halo reach not so much. there still the trash talkers but they all way in a party with friends or do not have the mic on
Again, Halo Reach is not impervious to any of what you mention. I've also seen more trash talkers on Reach and more team mates trying to TK, not so much kill but to take out your shields to help out the other team.
It's a great game with great gameplay. OF course, the art style helps too. The thing is, the engine is far from the greatest engine ever and please don't exaggerate it.