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hackers why i hate them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by king_leo, May 13, 2009.

  1. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    These days, there are rootkits and programs on which anyone can use to hack stuff but that's for noobs. But hackers are oftenly lazy. A good example in a movie is, "Hackers" (1995) It shows a lot on hackers! But that as 15 years ago. These days, hackers (the good ones) are code junkies. They know how the system works and how to find bugs and exploit them and share them. Look at Conficker, I think CHina has the highest infection rate because most OS on PCs there are bootleg and cannot be updated (actually, there is a program on which they use to update their PCs without Auto Updates. It is in CHinese but I am pretty sure that 1 original CD was used in like 1000 PCs so I guess Microsoft knew that) and that was an exploit that Conficker was programed to do (in part). Either way, Conficker may be lerking to infect Win7. Man, Conficker scared the CRAp out of everyone! I used to know some "bugs" on websites, systems, OS, games but some of them have been fixed.

    Who here goes to school and the school's PC just doesn;t allow you to access C:\ drive? I found several ways to exploit the hole so you can gain access to C drive. There, you can mod whatever you want and you can also copy Program Files (like PhotoShop, Flash) and run them on your PC! I've tried it, it does work! But that is all simple stuff! that stuff is really easy! No need to make any programs, etc.

    Real hackers would probably write a entire program (or edit one) to do whatever is needed to be done. How about the guys that made R4s, flash carts, etc? They understood the DS and they exploited it very well.

    NOTE: A lot of people hate hackers and people that make viruses and crap, but there will always be hackers and there will always be patches for everything! Enough said.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it doesnt work. Its not possible to copy a major program to another computer and have it work because the hundreds of registry entries the program needs dont get copied.
  3. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Acutally I've tried it and it does work! Well I only tested PhotoShop. Copy into a USB and run from it. That is the better guarentee.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Some programs do work - like Photoshop. Sorry, but yep.
  5. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    If your able to run Photoshop from a USB then it isn't the legal version and your school shouldn't have it installed. It sounds like one of the portable, stripped-down versions that are doing the rounds on various torrent sites.
  6. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Hacking just by itself isn't necessarily "bad," whatever your definition of the word is. What really matters is why you're hacking, isn't it?
  7. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Just a few remarks:

    - A password is as strong as it's encryption. You can use a 16 character password in MD4/MD5 or use it for your WEP-encrypted router, and it will be found. WPA is safe up to a certain level (use long complex passes).
    - 6 characters is not safe at all.
    - Explaining brute forcing in terms of time is not useful. Computing power also matters (like CPU vs GPU and computer vs supercomputer).
  8. Irili

    Irili Active Member

    Not sure who said it but...If there were no unlocked doors, then there wouldn't be any thievery in the world (something along those lines).
    Thinking along those same lines, if accounts and information was protected properly, there would be no more hacking.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    if you fall for this you deserve everything you get:
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Sadly that isnt the case. There would be quite a bit less though.
  11. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I tottaly agree with you,seph.(I know my spelling sucks so please excuse it.)

    I myself am a big hacker,and i'd say that if people store stuff online(like those new data storage sites that i think is a waste of money..)they SHOULD be hacked to learn a lession if they are that careless.Ofcorse though,i would put back their data afterwords.

    But people seirously need to be careful with those data stoarage sites.And even regular sites with accounts they shouldnt put their password *password*.;\

    I found ALOT of people who put that.

    What i do for passwords sometimes is like put something personal like my zip code or something.Now its not the best idea,i know,but it works.