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hackers why i hate them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by king_leo, May 13, 2009.

  1. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    But... my hacking attempt... it was FLAWLESS!!!!
  2. thi

    thi Active Member

    well hackers...
    i don't think they do much its just those crazy emails you
    get that looks cheap where you enter your email and password
    but i've never been hacked ... because i don't use online games x]
  3. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    lol but still I hack games on ps2 and wii and got the hombrew channel
  4. Shuvo01

    Shuvo01 Well-Known Member

    My usual pass is 16 characters long with special characters :D:D:D:D:D
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Just a dumb question:

    So 14 character passwords are considerably strong right? So what if your password was AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa or even AaAaAaAaAaAaAa will that be secure enough?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, its not the length that makes it strong so much as the content.
  7. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I seem to have missed this gem of a post. Does that mean you beleive in
  8. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    my password is nore than 6 charcters, with a mixture of numbers, symobls and letters
  9. skynth

    skynth Well-Known Member

    I agree with seph... I my self can not be considered a good programmer but it doesn't mean I can't download from links your suppose to pay for...
    Learn to ENCRYPT! for god sake.

    No, I haven't considered hacking any site other than paypal yet (just once to get a program!).
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Trust me, you have not hacked paypal. There are very few hackers, most people these days are script-kiddies who use exploits written by crackers or scammers who basically just try to trick you into giving away details/money.

    Crackers can analyse, reverse engineer and rebuild software, but that doesn't mean they understand how it works really.

    True hacking is something more, it's not just about writing exploits and getting entry to shit. It's about probing a system and using the feedback you get to understand how it behaves and reacts so that you that way can compromise it.

    I might have somewhat of a glorified view of hackers but to me it's something that takes effort, it's not malicious per se, it can be used for malicious purposes, but the hacking itself is the process of understanding the system.
  11. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I certainly have a glorified view of hackers. For those kids who feel "left out" I suggest you pick up the book "Little Brother". On top of being a great book for teenagers (and I do mean a great book) it also glorifies the hacker in such a way that will make you rethink security and the digital world around us.
  12. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    XD the guy that hacked me got hacked anywho i still hate hackers
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Depends on who they are and what they are doing.

    The one's who make game mods like no cd cracks are closer to programmers, there are some that just pop into things just for kicks (and prefer the name "crackers") and then is is real hackers who do it to make some real gain...

    The people who "hacked" boxxy could be crackers, but...anyone can do what they did, just email adress, google and some guess work ::)

    My mate claims to be a hacker, never seen him do his work...nor do I want to risk him messing with my pc after the scar i had jacking (leeching) into his unprotected internet :(
  14. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Is there anybody who know the difference between hacker and cracker?
    Cracker is also a hacker, but they usually use their knowledge for up-to-no good things.
    These person that you refer is a cracker.
    Not all hackers are a bad person.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Why....did I get my definitions mixed up again?

  16. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Crackers usually going stealing people's bank accounts. While hackers usually going modify something just for fun or for work (that doesn't has to do with stealing in the internet).
  17. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    well i dont mean like the good hackers and stuff (im a good hacker) i dont hack so for fun or hack to be evil (i could and i did once to some d*ck who hacked my website TWICE)
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ah, that makes more sence XD

    If you look at it, there are no such thing as a good hacker, if not doing things they aren't meant to be doing, it's just the fact that it's a risk onto it's self to do depending on where and why...

    But if you use the word "hacker" in an EXTREMLY broad sence, all of us here are hackers, we are all downloading stuff we shouldn't and making it do things we shouldn't :p
  19. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Well ill put it like this yes we are all bad but some are just plain old d*cks
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Security penetration testers, AKA ethical hackers. They hack to find security flaws, which they then notify the site/network owner of, and in some cases offer help fixing them.