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Guitar Hero

Discussion in 'Sports' started by snebbers, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Would't that be kinda boring? Just one button at a time?
  2. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Yes, but it also has a purpose: players totally new to the game can pick up and understand the game mechanics much easier, at a very small step of course.
  3. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I guess that is quite true. I can't imagine what tunes they'd pick off the top of my head though.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...isn't that what the "very easy" mode is for?

    As long as you hit a note it still lets you win.

    Even metallica had that-and that was one of the harder guitar hero games.

    (lego rockband... WTF?!)
  5. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Usually when it comes to designing notecharts, songs don't matter depending on difficulty. Even a "very easy" level notechart can be written for a Dragonforce song, though it won't make a top quality notechart that would be fun to play.

    Well, no shit. I stated exactly what "very easy" mode is for.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I guess I better apoligise-I often mistake guitar hero and rockband as the same game.

    Guitar hero had a simler mode of play.

    Guess I really do need glasses...
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I think you're reffering to beginner mode, it was just multi-coloured stripes that went across the highway.

    On a different Note, I've found that Guitar Hero: Smash Hits is really quite harsh on your rock meter if you miss a note compared to the other games.
  8. xmasterchefx

    xmasterchefx Well-Known Member

    Guys, remember that it's LEGO Rock Band, which is supposed to appeal to children. Very Easy (which I accidentally called Super Easy, because I'm retarded) is meant for little kids who want to play at a child's learning curve.
  9. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    There are some little kids who can play guitar hero pretty well oddly enough.
  10. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    my friend five-starred every song from guitar hero three(including through fire flames)and up till guitar hero 5(already)
  11. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    There's two this I have to say to that:

    1) I'm not bothered if he's better than me, or if anyone is, I just like playing as a band most of the time anyways.

    2) He probably is better than me, so what? No biggie, I've taken up weekly swimming and cycling to get in shape, rather than spend my time playing on the 360.
  12. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Ahem, on the "guitar hero is a sport" convo, It's NOT a sport, but this is the sports AND HOBBIES board, GH is a hobby :p.

    I like Guitar Hero, I only really play 3 and sometimes WT... The series is kinda dying.

    Favourite song to play atm is Impulse on expert, The beginning especially is so easy but looks so complicated :p
    TRYING to play "Welcome to the jungle" on expert... not going too well...
    Same with Monsters, I can actually 100% most of the song, but a part about 75% through is IMPOSSIBLE for me... even with maxed everything I can't do it, till now I thought star power GUARANTEED you passed a part...
  13. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    guitar hero metallica = the best of the franchise
  14. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member


    I used to have trouble on that song as well.. Till I stopped playing for 3 months, when I came back to it I was suddenly better.. =X
  15. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    hes also in school and has a life, he plays sports like basketball and football and doesn't only spend his time playing guitar hero and second of all, he plays it on the wii. I'm not trying to compare him to you, its just that I'm showing you that your not the best at it like you are trying to say that you are.
  16. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Where did you think that I was trying to say I'm the best? If I wanted to do that I'd make an account on youtube and post videos and ask people to subscribe. If you're going to make accusations, then at least get the right information.

    *Borrows mds64's Industrial sized blender and throws sf1215 in it*
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You owe me rental charges :)

    I also agree :)

    I don't get what's going on!

    @sneebers-should have let his post go-he seemed like he was "just saying".

    @sf1215-5 star doesn't mean the best at anything-sneebers also "just said" he had 5 star.

    Infact-unless you get a perfect 5 star on every song, in every GH game, AND did it very quickly-then I think a contest is in order XD

    (I think everyone here has got "rock star" syndrom-everyone thinks they are better than the other-and fights are breaking out ::) )

    And kiss and make up-we should enjoy this franchise that popularised an awsome gene (the guitar freaks games from konami...I must try some day...)
  18. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    its just that i hate when people try to make themselves seem like they are the best at something,and i dont think you had to defend yourself by saying
    i'm not trying to compete with you so you don't need to defend yourself. i don't even understand how we got into this whole fight.(p.s. how do you know that he spends all his time doing it. some people are naturally good)
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    We got into a fight because I don't like people, simply said, I'm sorry if I come across as hostile but that's the way I am. I don't mean to come across as nasty or what not. I just state in a way that I know how.

    It doesn't help that everyone reads things in different ways, and to be honest mds64 was right.. It took me a long time to 5 star nearly every song. A good number of months went into it.. My name isn't Chris Chike or Danny. :)

    *Pays mds64 $3.99
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I think people are mis-reading the meaning of the messages posted...

    I think sneebers is on the right track.

    [me=mds64]returns petty change[/me]

    He's telling us how he got 5 star-since when did he say "I'M TEH GOD OF DIS GAME GIMME PRIZE" ?