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GTA4 + Moron teen = Ban!

Discussion in 'General News' started by calvin_0, Aug 7, 2008.

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  1. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Really? I had hoped my sarcasm was so thick it was palpable....
  2. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    a true gamer would not do something stupid like that ^^,

    i think he is getting some mental problem on his mind playing right now ^^,
  3. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    He is obviously sick. He need to be put away so he can't hurt people.
  4. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    it can be a work of some enemy of the Rockstar games
  5. redalertz

    redalertz Member

    wow that guy is sick! he should be locked away so he cannot hurt anyone anymore ;D
    so many people are trying to make video games the catalyst for bad happenings...... oh well......well at least when i play games i don't do any crazy sh*t!
  6. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    videogames allows you to do things that are prohibited in reality. To imitate the game is really stupid.

    I hope this doesn't get Rockstar into any trouble.lol
  7. gary1068

    gary1068 Guest

    after seeing the previews of the first three GTA games i joined a commitee to have the game banned out right from the United States let alone from the American state of New Jersey. That isn't really a game in the traditional sense a game is something you play and get points like Breakout. And most of the crimes like carjacking and murder commited by Blacks in the United States sorry but let's face facts. GTA series of "games" are more like an educational tool, for teaching impressionable White teens it's cool to be like Black kids in the United States but i don't think so not one bi9t.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    what a load of bollocks.
  9. HumrH360

    HumrH360 Well-Known Member

    I second that motion, Loony. What gary said wasn't educated, it was just plain racist.
  10. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    I vote the Priminister should be loonylion !
  11. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Wow. I sincerely hope that I as an American am not pegged with the same racist and ignorant label as you are. With your logic, and the logic of idiots like you that believe games cause violence, we should also ban guns because some parents might be IRRESPONSIBLE ENOUGH to let their "impressionable teen" to have a gun, and potentially do something bad with it. Did you know that the average time a TV is watched in an American house is over 10 times more than the average time a parent spends with their children. OVER TEN TIMES! This is stuff I wish I could make up. Have you considered that letting these video games "educate" your children rather than you could be the problem? Perhaps if the average American home spent time with their children instead of sitting them in front of the TV all day while they relax we'd have a much smaller problem in this country.

    Bottom line: Video games are not to blame for the problems of this country. People like you are to blame. You're lazy and ignorant and when YOU have handed your children the gun and YOU don't educate them on the effects of that gun, YOU blame the gun for YOUR bad work. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU!

    -= As side notes, I would first like to say sorry for anyone who put up with my wall of text, and secondly I would like to apologize to the admins if I have flamed. You have my permission (as if you needed it) to edit for content=-

    Thank God, he was banned. Any specific post of when this guy was banned? I saw a few of his posts and couldn't pick one.
  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Well said, some people are just loons
  13. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    well u guys cant blame everything on the kid you gotta admit at one point playing a game you would just want to re-act it wouldn't you.... BUT still this kid has major problems, like maybe re act it for fun with friends like with fake stuff and crap like that but seriously killing someone wtf, seriously like if it was unintentional in some way (i don't know how but lets pretend) then yeah it's reasonable but he admited it that he actually did it wow, what a great way to ruin a good game, and plus for everyone that says games influence well why don't they try thinking maybe it's showing the consequences in life if you actually did what you do in the games, cause i'm sure there are cops chasing after you in GTA 4 just like in Saints Row. And plus i think kids should be smart enough to know it's not that easy to steal a taxi (i hope)

    EDIT: oh yeha to that gary dude if he ever sees this i don't know how but WOW WHAT A RACIST B****** cause honestly if they he wants facts, well look at how blacks were treated look at where a majority of them live? what's their surroundings? then you see the whites they live the goodlife (in general not being racist) how many whites do you see living in the ghetto? but really to say blacks cause crimes the most influence children to do violent things, well it's wrong, they grew up around that and know nothing else. Also if people refer to rap artists well yes they do rap about ridiculous things like sex money strippers, but if you listen to the really good rappers like T.I. and Tupac they actually teach you about life lessons like T.I.'s Live In The Sky, Live Your LIfe, Dead And Gone it's not about all sex and money, just depends on who you listen to (like 50 Cent is a big no no)
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