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GTA: Chinatown Wars Notice

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. ssheretic

    ssheretic Member

    What if someone gets us a NO$GBA sav so I can convert it to a R4 sav with http://www.shunyweb.info/convert.php#
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    been tried, doesn't work.
  3. keith_31

    keith_31 New Member

    i think it won't work at EDGE yet.. :(
  4. Emudude

    Emudude Member

    Here is what is wrong with this game. The R4 and R4 HCSD carts create .SAV files that are 512k in length. The Game requires a .SAV file that is 1024K in length. Don't belive me? Just check the Save File size after running this in NO$GBA 2.7. (Awesome Program by the way). The only way for this to work on the R4 or R4 HCSD system is for the creators to update it to allow for .SAV files to be 1024k in length. I Don't forsee that happening anytime soon, so I am going to shell out $39.99 (Guessing the Price) for this Awesome game on 03/17/09. Support the Company and support the game by buying the Original. I collect all RPGs and some Racing games for my DS. Stop purchasing the games, and the companies stop making them. That would suck.
  5. CoMbiNa

    CoMbiNa New Member

    In order for that game to work on AK2 we need either a patched ROM, or a new firmware. right?
  6. rvd42387

    rvd42387 New Member

    the only thing about that emudude is if the sav file has to be 512k in lenght for the r4 and r4hcsd carts then how does daigaisso band brother work with its 8mb save
  7. kesadisan

    kesadisan Active Member

    or they need to make the card can write 1 mb save file
    i don't think that possible
  8. d00mrock

    d00mrock Member

    wait i have a idee maybe most someone with a emulator (or a gbatt or something) play it and send the save file to romulation.net
  9. ssheretic

    ssheretic Member

    thats kindof what I said, don't think its going to work... sadly
    We could try tough :-X
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we already have a save and it's not helping people.
  11. kesadisan

    kesadisan Active Member

    seph already upload it, but didn't work
  12. Emudude

    Emudude Member

    I only have the R4 HCSD cart. Ordered it for $15. online and got it shipped to me in about a week. I've tried all of the ways above to get this to work with my Cart. After running it on no$gba with it working flawlessly. I noticed the file size of the .SAV file. 1024k. The R4 HCSD cart auto-creates a 512k file size (every single time). Every converter file out there creates a 512k file size. I'm just guessing that all the carts that this game DOESN'T work on auto creates 512k .SAV files for the game. The only way to fix this is with a Firmware update from the Cart Creators to allow adjustable Save game sizes. Or allow a computer file to create them so we can just MANUALLY copy it to our memsticks ourselves and allow it to work. I'm still just guessing that the game is looking for a .SAV file that is 1024k in length as a buffer to continue to run the game. Pretty Clever if you ask me. After playing it a bit on no$gba, it think it is well worth the $39.99 to purchase the actual game on Tuesday.
  13. VCTKnight

    VCTKnight Member

    how do you get the game to run in No$GBA because when I load it, it gives me the same save error. (first time using an emulator)
  14. rubbie

    rubbie Member

    you sure you got no$gba 2.6a then just dl the rom and run it works fine for me
  15. VCTKnight

    VCTKnight Member

    it doesnt work for me though
  16. Omikron

    Omikron Member

    Well i guess it's true.
    You want something way more if you can't get it.
    And since i have the original R4 i'm screwed anyways.
    So i'll just buy the game since it's Rockstar they deserve it.
    With over 1500+ Nds roms been released (Without all the translations) and this being the first one having this.
    I'd say hats off to Rockstar. lolz
  17. jeesh123

    jeesh123 Member

    What save size dose it have to be for a ds one?
  18. VCTKnight

    VCTKnight Member

    my nosgba is version 2.6 (freeware)
  19. Csokis

    Csokis Member

    Only run in 2.6a (not freeware) version! ;)
  20. kesadisan

    kesadisan Active Member

    i just realize
    if this was the save problem, then why the game still not running after auto save (when choosing no)
    it just makes no sense

    actually it run when you set the save file to the last one in the list
    but the 3d will be crappy, and all these sound was cracked out