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GTA: Chinatown Wars Notice

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. ASickness

    ASickness Member

    Hacker 07, It works perfectly with my cyclo with latest beta firmware. Thankyou so much :)
  2. Rootwo_62 the first

    Rootwo_62 the first Active Member

    thanks people I have now confirmed that my cylcods patched file works. you can get it here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3LMA2UOG
  3. YggDragon

    YggDragon Member

    Yes mariebb it'll work cause it also works for me and i also don't use ysmenu
  4. mariebb

    mariebb Member

    ok i downloaded cowball link and unzipped then what do i put into r4 and where do i put it
  5. Cam275

    Cam275 New Member

    I'm on a mac, so I can't patch it myself. Anywhere I could download an already patched rom that works on my dstt?
  6. Rootwo_62 the first

    Rootwo_62 the first Active Member

    here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3LMA2UOG
  7. OtakuGamerZ

    OtakuGamerZ Member

  8. M33DarkAleX

    M33DarkAleX Member

    Works great on my DS R4

    Wifi works too

    thanks hacker07
  9. OtakuGamerZ

    OtakuGamerZ Member

    AND if u want to wait 4ever here http://www.adrive.com/public/9aa4bb30750dccfa6646ecae75feda9585410f14d5f5b754b28d5769721da748.html
  10. Ph08

    Ph08 New Member

    pleease help the EDGE useeeers !!! : :'( :'(
  11. glen2602

    glen2602 New Member

    hey dude some1 else has tried this on edge, and it doesnt work ????
  12. jayden kick

    jayden kick New Member

    I just found out how to fix it go to this site!.http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/R4_compatibility_list#3501-3600
    it says the problem has been fixed for r4 and download these arm7 and arm9 files and it should work!!. i havent tried but i will get back if it works.
  13. mariebb

    mariebb Member

    please help then! cuz i cant get mine to work.i have the downloaded link on my desktop now what do i do. sorry not very good with pc
  14. uberpubert69

    uberpubert69 New Member

    has anyone tested to see if the patched file works on the AceKard 2.1?
  15. OtakuGamerZ

    OtakuGamerZ Member

    https://www.romulation.org/files/gba_china_town_wars_fix.rar this is arm7 and arm9 but u only need to replace arm9
    http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/DS/dslazy/dslazy.zip this is for replacing the arm9 and/or arm7
  16. ineedcover4

    ineedcover4 New Member

    Hmmm I downloaded the patched version and am able to play it on the Acekard 2.1. However, it is unable to save because this flashcart does not support save file writes as 8Mb (1024KB). So everytime I reload the game, it says that the data is corrupt and I must start from the beginning again.
  17. Rootwo_62 the first

    Rootwo_62 the first Active Member

    get the patched rom here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3LMA2UOG
  18. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    patched rom works with r4, confirmed again,,
  19. Rootwo_62 the first

    Rootwo_62 the first Active Member

    I would like to ask someone if my patched rom works on EDGE http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3LMA2UOG
  20. glen2602

    glen2602 New Member