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Google pulling out of China

Discussion in 'General News' started by Reider, Jan 15, 2010.

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  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    your happy your government don't want you to look at porn. if brown told me i can't freely look at porn on the net i'd be knocking at his door.
  2. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

  3. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the internet, where it is the last bastion for freedom of speech. Perhaps that is a term that you have never heard of, no?

    I'm free to say anything I want here, and the Chinese government can't do anything about it. And besides, I wasn't even insulting the Chinese; I simply stated that Google should do the right thing and pull out from China IF it is proven without a doubt that the Chinese government was behind those attacks against Google.
  4. the king 246

    the king 246 Member

    its sad the Chinese government r doing this since they r taking peoples jobs and r mainly the problem for global warming. im suprised leaders havent done much but then china is a country of trade. i wonder y the Chinese r even doing this since they could use there powers for good not evil
    Post Merge: [time]1263973335[/time]
    they did try to buy google but instead they bought Yahoo which explains how come i can transfer friends to windows now
    Post Merge: [time]1263973638[/time]
    y would the government worry about porn sites when there are parts of china that need goverment help. anyway ppl will find porn one way or another like videos ,mag, clubs...if they were trying to stop porn it would be nearly impossible since there r tonnes of porn sites.
    Post Merge: [time]1263974076[/time]
    government dont give a crap about porno sites unless they want it so bad. but i think that Chinese ppl r a bit shifty (no offense) i have noticed that when ppl bag Asians they referrer mainly the Chinese so its ur fault Asians ur getting bashed and killed like the Indians
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I noticed alot of short hand there, please stop using the "Y" and "R" as people with translators may have issues reading your post.

    When people bag asians, they bag all because many times they can't tell them apart (though the fake accents are usually towards chinese...even if pretending to be jap)

    And I was in a fight with some moron who refered to my asian hertiage despite being a born aussie, and hell, I've been mistaken for an indian because of my skin tone and hait stlye (notice how the young ones have it short :p )

    I like what google might be doing, I hope china takes notice...they need to free up a bit.

    Ah communisim, where would we be without it :p
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I actually like the idea of communism, it's just impossible to implement with the nature of human beings. Actually, it's not so much the idea of communism I like, it's more that I like what it's based off of (marxism). It's not so much about totalitarian control, it's more that I like the idea of everyone working together.

    Which is why I like living in Canada, mixed economy ftw.
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I've always wanted to go to Canada.. Looks like a great place to go. :)
  8. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Wow, I used to live in Canada.
    But back on topic, Google does have their right to do what they need to in order to keep a good reputation. And China, which is where I'm in, gets the internet so FREAKING screwed up as there are more and more people having the ability to go on the internet. It causes Hacking, Porn Sites, Censoring, etc...
  9. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    I think this could be a good move, it is a shame to the Chinese people. This means, no more Youtube, and easy searching. Most computer viruses come from China (According to ThreatExpert) and the censorship of Pornographic and Hentai material is just a violation of the internet equilibrium. The USA had laws in place by the people and congress (As well as a few other agencies, I.E. Google) to ensure that the Government does not censor anything (except for copyright claims.)

    Oh, and also for steeling sensitive information from Central Intelligence.
  10. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Whatever the fuck you were talking about... it makes no sense... The Chinese have the right to strengthen or weaken their Internet system whatever they can... or want...
  11. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    Whatever issues are going on pertaining to censorship and free roam on the internet between the Chinese government and it's people should be left between them. If anything, Google pulling it's websites out of China could cause a rise in protest and retribution, or it will be put on the back burner and somewhat forgotten about.

    Never been to China, so I can't say what it's people will do. But I do agree that Communism is beginning to lose grip, and is trying desperately to maintain it's sense of order; Which is a bitch and a half to do when technology today allows you access to just about anything, promote newer ideas and a wider range of thoughts( Remember, thought is the fire that burns down communism. )

    We'll see. So far 2010 is setting itself up to be a year to remember, and we haven't even hit February.
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