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Good gba cart

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by archlvt, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Post is from 2005, severely outdated.
  2. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    So have I, and that's the problem. I can't seem to make a thread without a narcissist with a superiority complex coming in here trying to boost their ego. It's approaching gameFAQs' level of community friendliness. There'a a handful of good regulars, sure, but the vast majority just seem to come in to annoy people.

    I mean, "wait 10 seconds for a download", really? seriously? I'm talking about flash carts and you don't think I've considered emulation?
  3. blakearceus

    blakearceus Active Member

    If you want to play the snes version try this emulator http://www.snemul.com/ds/ im pretty sure it is an emulator and you might have tried it anyway
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    He already said that it wouldn't work on the DS emulator.
    Plus, it's one of those games that needed extra hardware to run on the SNES in the first place because the SNES wasn't powerful enough.
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Any game that had to use the special chipped cart won't run on the DS emulator. That includes FF6, Super Mario RPG, etc. Trust me, I've tried even on the last released beta, no go. People might as well stop suggesting it. It's a pretty crappy emulator overall. I couldn't recommend it over even the worst SNES emulator for a computer.

    Also, the cheapest I could find FFVI for the GBA was $37 for one considered "Good". I can't believe a GBA game has skyrocketed in value like this already, it's kind of insane. Basically, if you ever do decide to spring for it, it will be cheaper just to go with the EZ Flash 3in1. Personally, I've still been meaning to pick one up due to the insane amount of GBA games I want to play. Lack of money makes everything that much more difficult though. :/

    Probably all stuff that's known, but I figured I would give my less rude input, regardless of thread status. Plus, it won't be locked. Threads are left open specifically so that the remote possibility of the search function being used might come into effect rather than the creation of a new topic. Doesn't seem to work too terribly often, but it's best to leave the possibility open.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Those are many reasons why I'm going to invest in a SuperCard DSTwo sometime in the future. It looks very appetizing now that it is going to have a SNES emulator to go along with the GBA emulator.
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Chances are though, this SNES emulator won't be able to emulate chipped SNES games either. It just seems to be outside of the capabilities of the DS. Plus, if that SNES emulator is anything like the GBA emulator, it will be very disappointing.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...if that's the case, then screw it. I'll just go with my first interest...the Sega DreamCast. :)
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I miss the Dreamcast. It had freaking Phantasy Star Online! That is reason enough to buy it really, though I don't think the servers are up for it anymore.
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It seems that there are still a few private servers. I'll look more into it once I buy a DreamCast. :)
  11. Yohko86

    Yohko86 Member

    I know, but so are GBA flashcarts; since he wants info on them as to what GBA flashcart will be the most compatible on the DS, that kind of info is going to be outdated by default.
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    There has been major improvements to GBA flashcarts since 2005. I still use my EZ Flash IV every now and then to play a GBA game. Also, the EZ Flash 3-in-1 isn't that old...
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    It is not being worth to buy it?
    It can run SNES games, NES games, etc etc. all with the emulators needed.

    I'm sorry if I was rude but then you don't know my dad...I've gotten it from him I think :p
  14. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    The best GBA flash expansion cart on the market is the EZ 3-in-1 Extension Pack for Nintendo DS Lite. The cost is 20 USD shipped. This expansion has the highest compatibility with flash carts and I have used mine in conjunction with an AceKard 2i running the AKAIO firmware for the past 1.6 years with zero issues. I hope you find an answer you are looking for. Best of luck,