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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Boyav, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    he IS the final story boss the real FINAL BOSS that qualifies as tvtropes would say is none other that Dulaham, basically grab this boss, give it esteroids, crack and doping drugs, program it to be the deadliest thing you have and add a mix of omega of FFVIII, you result? a boss that can kill you in 3 seconds thanks to one of his attack has instant death according to the guide i belive.

    for forgin if you have zol material, dark matter, mythil silver or orihalcon or rusty weapon and armor, the grandma of eolo will forge you a new item, it can be one of three things for what i've seen.
  2. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    for starters, i thought THAT boss was steroids. and retribution can and frequently one-hits me. SO ANNOYING. its like the prime reason i die, cause instead of healing everyone karis has to water of life one, and then the others get damaged... GODDAMN RETRIBUTION
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    dont use karis, use sveta and rief, rief has a mcuh better healing ability than amiti, have tyrell and eolo and your party both of them should use deblitate to reduce the boss DEF power then the oposite skill to up your attack power, mathew with the sol blade should focus only on attacking rief has a multi heal skill for 1000 HP i belive he can easly bring back your party in top shape and at what lvl are you know? BTW try to use the healing djin sparingly remember this boss can put them in the same state as if you used them to summon
  4. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    51 is my top, lowest is 43 (rief i do believe)

    when does rief get that move? early on, i only used tyrell, karis, matt and amiti (cause rief's weapons were so expensive and barely any are found in chests) and then switched out tyrell for eoleo. sveta's ok, himi has bad hp, rief has a terrible weapon and kinda bad stats, and i don't think tyrell has a weapon x_x im very bad and money-conservative in JRPGs...
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    level up to 60 i belvie the last psyenergy's is unlocked at lvl 56 its the last of the healing psyenergy's and GS: DD is BAD with money ALWAYS sell the old wewapons when you upgrade.
  6. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    i did that. i gave tyrells weapon to eoleo and sold eoleo's weapon. and yeah i guess till 60.
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    let me check the prima guide i belive they ahve a drop item list, if im rigth then i can tell you how to farm for some forging items, the twist is that if you get any item that you dont need from eolo's grandma you can sell it and each sells for 20.000G or more
  8. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    except money isn't a problem cause the only thing you need is water of life which is constantly dropped by tua warriors. and thanks for your help.
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    NP, but i'd recomend you to try to farm stat boosters and i mean it, fi you are gonan go againts dullahan post game you will need them i've read that his pattern from the previous GS has been left untouched, meaning? he can use the second most powerfull summon djin free, basicalyl be prepared for a looong battle.
  10. Solidifier-Snake

    Solidifier-Snake Well-Known Member

    you can't fight Dullahan post-game
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    check the prima guide pág 196 of 210 especifically you figth him in crossbone island which AFAIK it can only be acessed AFTER you beat the final boss once.

    to be more exact check chapter 20 'lose ends' and he still ahs charion, his pattern is untouched since GS2
  12. SideLinePunk

    SideLinePunk Active Member

    I just started GS:DD, and I'm just at the point where you're supposed to leave to find Tyrell. However, after the first forced save, I can't leave the house, because I'm blocked. The chest inside the bottom room gave me an unnamed item that's not a sword, but looks like a gold shield. Using it does nothing. Do I have a glitched game?
  13. andy122

    andy122 Active Member

    there's 2 items you need to get one you need to go upstairs to get from a chest. once you get both items go equip them onto your self and karis will let you leave
  14. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    since when did this become a general GS:DD help thread ???

    but meh, my question's resolved, so why not. fire away, lolz
  15. andy122

    andy122 Active Member

    lol well it does say dark dawn help so i thought why not help :p