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Golden Sun 3!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Wintrale, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    This better not be delayed or cancelled or there will be BLOOD!

    Sheba"I thought you and Isaac were a couple?"
    Jenna"NO! ...stupid sheba.."
  2. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member

    I think its a remake.
  3. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    I hope not. I would love a new GS story, and more characters.
  4. currydude

    currydude New Member

    OMFG I cant wait for this, its time to throw away my GBA Advance and beginning playing a real game on my DSi :LL
  5. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    Oohh, I remember this game; I loved the djinn concept. I was only able to play 1, though. I couldn't find a copy of 2 anywhere before, and nowadays stores here usually sell flashcards rather than actual cartridges.
    Is there any word if the story is directly related to 1 and 2, or did they definitely finish the story arc with 2? I'd hate to have missed the a good chunk of the plotline. ><
  6. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    The Press Release for Golden Sun DS says...

    After going dark six years ago, 2010 will see a new dawn. Golden Sun DS updates the popular portable Golden Sun role-playing series with an impressive graphical style. This instalment follows the story of the previous heroes’ descendants and immerses players into the magic of its adventure by pushing the boundaries of intuitive touch-screen controls. Golden Sun DS is playable on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems.

    So, I assume, we get to see what Weyard is like now that everyone has access to Psynergy... Will we get a civil war, as we were told happened before? Will it, possibly, be on a scale similar to the one that forced the Sages to seal Psynergy away? There are so many things they can do with this setting, having laid the groundwork for it in the other two games, and Camelot is one of the few developers who seem capable of capitalising on that rather than screwing it up.
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Good. So that means its a continuation of the series and not a remake but after this hits, it would be nice to see a remake of 1 & 2 on DS
  8. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Nah, I wouldn't like a remake. I WOULD, however, like to see them appear on the DSiWare Store.
  9. Tiny4

    Tiny4 Member

    Well, about the transfering of data. I don't think this will happen, because:

    1) This would pretty much have to be done between the slot-1/slot-2
    2) The DSi doesn't have a GBA slot.
    3) Since Nintendo is trying really hard to get people to buy the DSi, I doubt they would make the DSL have an advantage over the DSi.
  10. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    I'm well aware of the lack of a Slot-2 on the DSi, I do have one. :D

    Over a 100 million people have DS Lites, as well... So why would Camelot (who are not Nintendo, it should be noted) drop connectivity like that knowing that fans such as myself have been waiting six years for this? I think having connectivity such as this would not only give us fans a little nod of appreciation for waiting as long as we have, but even unlock special side quests and scenes throughout the game much like those found in Golden Sun 2 with the items you only get by transferring data from the first Golden Sun.
  11. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    well they could use the 4 page data transfer thing like they did in the first one. You know that password thing you get in the end of the game to transfer your data just incase you didnt have access to another gba?? That was painful to do. It took me 10min because I had to get it down on paper before I could get it in the game....
  12. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    I loved them doing that. T'was time-consuming but so worth it. There won't be a password screen, though. I mean, everyone hacked away at Golden Sun 2 six years ago to try to find a screen that gave away a password. Couldn't find anything. But, like I said, over 100 million people in the world own DS Lites - so it's a given that anyone who would buy Golden Sun DS would have a DS Lite (the small percentage of people who traded in their DS Lites to get a DSi will just have to go without I fear).
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    doing that transfer password took me even longer.. but definatley worth it XD

    it would be nice to have bonuses from owning the cartridges, I hope they do it
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Ya know how certain pokemon appear if you have a pokemon game inserted in the slot 2?

    Perhaps they could do something like that with the new Golden Sun game. Just something extra.
  15. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I never said it wasnt worth it. It just took too long....
  16. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Swipe me a DS too while you're grabbing that. It'll probably have some sort of problem that'll keep it from working on No$GBA and I don't feel like devoting some money to a DS and a flashcart just yet. :p
  17. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Well, duh... The problem that it will have is obvious! The Awesome Factor© of the game is so great that it cannot be merely emulated! :D
  18. blaza89

    blaza89 Well-Known Member

    oooohhh yeah for real ur kidding me........GS1 was the best i played over and over all the time the best part of the game was the boat part that was fun choosing people to row the boat and don't get me started on the colosso games that tournament turned it up to make it a bad ass game i hope satoros and mercede come back u know those 2 mars adept......don't be mad at me for saying this but GS2 was to confusing and boring, plus judgement summon was the coolest
  19. ovesh

    ovesh New Member

    Man I hope this game lives up to what everyone is expecting it looks ok but I hope for a great story like the last game. People have been waiting for this 6 years that is a lot of hope building up
  20. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Wow It doesnt really matter to me if it were a remake or a new game.. Although I do prefer a newer game, but w/e... CANT WAIT