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god, do you exists?!

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    plus, there are numerous tribes that worship gods that cannot be considered gods.

    okay, geez, i get it. i'm worse than you by your standards. don't get too psyched about this. and i didn't know you hated your president too. just being curious, why did you pick him in the first place?

    yes, they do. there are no laws in the Qur'an that says you'll go to Heaven. it's an old wives tale in the modern world. unfortunately, some people thinks they still apply
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    We didn't pick him so much as he pretty much rigged the election so he'd get in. Gore beat him in 2000 and Kerry had him beat in 2004, but there just happened to be a problem with the voting machines near the end of the elections both times(Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004) and then they had some pro-republican guys say Bush won in those states that had the problems, effectively giving him the victory.

    I'm willing to bet money that if he would've been winning, those incidents never would've happened in the first place.
  3. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Most of the Austrailian tribes don't belive in supernatural gods but consider trees, fire and nature to be god as well as the tribes in the Amazon.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    in order word, they worship mother nature.... thats good for earth.
  5. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

    the cake is a lie.

    Anyways, now that I got that off my chest ;) ...

    I believe that there is a God, and I believe in the Bible.
    From all of the evidence I have seen throughout my lifetime and all the research I have done on the topic, I do not believe that the theory of Darwinist Evolution can be a feasible explanation for the life that we see around us today.
    I have many reasons to believe this, which I won't go into right now, because I'm kinda tired of typing, but it is my belief that there is a God who created everything who I am responsible to.

    That's what I believe, and I'm not going to try to convince anyone else to believe the same, but I just wanted to put my opinion on the matter out there.
  6. Sionolann3

    Sionolann3 New Member

    God exists, you can believe that and know the truth, or you can deny and stay the unbelievers you are.
    I urge all that question the truth of Christ delve into his word and take a good deep look at yourself.
    Evidence doesn't save someones soul. It's the redeeming works of Christ Jesus that does that.
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    F*** off, i'm all for people beliving in what they want but don't cast you shit on to others, i have searched the truth thank you very much and the truth i have seen is not what you are blindly led to believe by the leaders of your faith.
    the only person that can save my soul is me the only one who can currupt it is me. i have looked in to all aspects of faith and non faith and i have made my mind i have not denied anything i have searched for the truth and i may still search but on my journeny the only truth i have found is of people like you who are blind to everything around you.
    i love having conversations with intelligant people who believe and have debates and what not but your the worst kind

    so blind... so...so...blind
  8. God Almighty

    God Almighty New Member

    Yes I do exist. Now stop all of this nonsense. You have the choice to not follow me, but don't use anger to show your dislike. Amen.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    exactly, we have the choice to or not to follow you god so why are your lepers wasting our time preaching bull
  10. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    what a waste of e-mail name...
  11. zagyre

    zagyre Member

    IMHO it depends on what definition of God that you've believe or learned,
    and thus God exist according to your definition (even for atheist or non believer).
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't belive of not belive i just choose to not follow a religion because the i no longer belive the description of god to be true. so even if he is real the symbol and message that god stands for is wrong and missreprisented.
    but thats my choice and my choice alone and no man has the right to tell me what to belive. if i belived i'd be a far more angre man and have a hate toward god so i'd rather be a nice good person and choose to not care wether there is or not.

    althogh i still like the depate but only with intelligant people and not people who have blind faith.
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    IMO, these are bad topics to have on forums, religious topics are perfect cesspools of flaming.
  14. zagyre

    zagyre Member

    It seems to me that God is something that can make you an agre man and also it is someting that you hate.
    and that is the God that you've believe in.

    there is an ancient tribe, with sacrificing ritual to their God.
    if I've lived in that society I'd rather find my self another God that would fit my reasoning.
    (with no sacrificing ritual of course)

    I'm not talking about any religion here, just pure reasoning.
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    its only that way inclined if you have stupid people (on both ends of the spectrum) with a one track mind and have no openness toward interpritation or debate. altho i don't like god i do fight for the idea when someone is flaming someone with a belife. as i said i am open to the idea of god but the experiences in life and things i have seen with my own eyes have made me synicle and bitter toward any god or similar that is perceved to be a caring god. i don't really want to get in to it as i could talk for an entire day on the subject and i can go too deep and go in to things that most don't even understand so i'm not going to bother.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    enough said.
  17. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Religion would be all hunky dory with me if God phoned me up one day to acknowledge that he even cares about me.
  18. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

    You need to chill out.
    It's not that big a deal.
    He didn't flame you, and he hasn't posted a single comment since then.
    However, you seem very defensive for some reason which I will not pursue knowledge of...

    I am a Christian.

    Yes, there are a bunch of Christians who are just effing stupid, and I will be the first to admit to that fact.
    Yes, there are a bunch of Christians who are nothing but hypocrites and liars who show up on Sunday morning to church just to look good.
    And yes, there are a bunch of Christians who believe everything blindly no matter what.
    And yes, more often than not, I am ashamed of some of the people that I am associated with by default for belonging to the Christian church...sometimes I'm just plain ashamed of the Christian church.

    And yes, we know you hate us.
    You don't have to remind us.
    But please don't stereotype all Christians as being like the person who comes onto a forum and immediately starts telling you that you're damned to hell.  We're not all like that, and we're not supposed to be like that, but some Christians seem to have a hero complex and they like to think that it's their job to save the world.

    The God that I believe in is a caring God. And I've heard the argument all too many times of:
    "If God is so 'loving and caring' why did he let 9/11 happen"
    or "Why did he let (family member or friend's name here) die"
    or "Why doesn't he make me happy/Why am I always so sad?"
    You just have to stop letting your mind be so wrought with Theodicy and existentialism.
    The simple answer to these questions is that God has a plan.
    I know you've probably heard that answer too many times to care about it by now, but if you would like to talk with me about what I believe, I would be happy to discuss it with you.
    And again, I apologize for those of us Christians who look so blindly at their faith and think that we have to condemn everybody that's different.

    And now I'm looking at you Sionolann3.
    If you truly believe that there is a God and you truly believe that your Christ is real, as I believe he is, then I would encourage you to look further into his word yourself and find the part where it tells you not to belittle others who are not of faith.  Your Bible also says to say nothing unless it is helpful for building others up.  Speaking of others in the way you did is prideful, and something that is frowned upon by God and his Son.  So don't be so quick to point out the speck in your neighbor's eye when you've got a log in your own (and you should know that those words are not mine...), and yes, I realize I too am not perfect, which is why I don't claim to be.

    As for everyone else on here, I would like to personally apologize for the way us Christians behave or for any time that any Christian has ever treated you poorly or belittled you because you have a different belief.  This is not the way the Christian church teaches its members to behave, and it is not a behavior reflective of the love of our God.

    God does care about you.
    I used to think he didn't give a crap about me, but I found out very quickly that I was wrong.
    If you look at my avatar, that is proof enough that he cares about me (there's a long story behind me and her, though, so I won't explain it here).
    He was phoning me up constantly, I just wasn't answering...and sometimes I still don't.
    Nobody's perfect though.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't think you have actually heard a thing i have said, i am calm and i don't hate Christians (apart from the stupid ones of course) and I'm not being defensive. my beef is with god, you should know especially if you believe in god that it is not all honky dory anyway if you read the bible the relationship between people and god is very heated, people raise there fists to the sky in anger like why have you done this to me god and as you said it is normally to do with his plan.
    as i said i do know this subject very well and i talk to people i work with about it allot one used be training to become a minister but stopped after she saw first hand the hypocrisy of the church and that they interprated the bible in the way they wanted to she left, still has faith but in her own way (i love talking to her as her knowledge of the bible is better then anyone i know and it is unbiased knowedge)
    the next one is a very intelligent man who goes to church every week and is an active member of the community and helps run events for the church i love talking to him also has a vast knowledge.
    third is a girl goes to church several times a week blind faith and no life experience she does my head in because i try to talk to her and its boring as hell and she won't even take in to consideration proved subjects or that people are allowed to live freely.
    i do understand that you do have to have blind faith as it says you have to belief in god unquestioningly but when i talk about blind faith i mean that there is no thought processes, no questioning and no consideration for what is said by others.

    i have already explored this i could put that spin on what has happend and it would fit nicely but it is in fact that belief of that godly plan that makes me hate god so. if i did not have any belief in god then it would not bother me so but you see it is only the fact that i am willing to believe in god that makes me hate him so.
    i won't go in to every thing but i guess i can shed so light on my loss of faith (this will be brief)
    was in a metal band did drugs had fun you know sex, drugs and rock n' roll, i was living a happy awesome life but had no real prospect of any real future.
    i got my girl friend pregnant at 18 had a baby. my son was born with problems and was very ill for 6 months.
    it made me look at my life and and i set out to change it i started doing youth work and then did a child care course and now i have just walked in to a very well payed job i am very respected by the people i know and i have worked hard to get here.

    see this story sounds perfect for the spin of god had a plan for me and although my time was hard i am now better off for it. i have always not been sure of god and my personality and intelligence and questioning nature have stopped me from believing fully without question but there was a point in that time that i fell out with god and am angry at him and this was the point i am angry at him for putting my son through hell on earth and a mass of pain just to fit me in to his plan and the point that really did it for me is when my son was in a children's intensive care unit i took a look around that room and i lost all faith in god right then. i can't stand to think that all those innocent children are part of his plan and are put through pain to cause some effect on the lives of the families.
    smite me, smite that other person but never hurt a child.

    so it is only in having the willingness to believe in god that has caused me to have issues with it as if i did not believe at all it would all just be a series of events with no meaning.

    i have no problem with anyone who believes in god in fact you are a better person for believing in something greater then yourself. and Christians make awesome cake i call it Jesus cake. so the love of god does make the best cake ;D

    i am going to stop typing.... its late and if i go on to much my point will be lost, i am happy you have your own belief but it is not right for you to preach to me when my knowedge will be just as good as yours on god. i have made my choice and god may want to have an odd plan again to make me see the good in him but for now he will have to be a bit more direct and show me the love because until then my fists are up.
  20. *starwatcher*

    *starwatcher* Member

    My view on the bible is quite an interesting one, I see the bible being an early stage law book filled with stories about good and bad.
    It teaches you how to be a good person, that you may not do bad things to other men.

    It's just a form of control used by people in power because without laws our society and way of life would be chaotic.

    Yes other countries have other gods, If i had a pair of cool trainers I'm sure someone else would try and better me with a different kind of cool trainer.

    It's all jealousy, greed and control.... live for yourself and not for something that you have never seen with your own eyes.
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