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god, do you exists?!

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    we can proof that you have brain via CAT scan or X-Ray scan, or even better smash open a human head, genius, we dont need to see our brain to know we have a brain because it is already been proven that everyone have a brain.

    hey guess what, god is a girl who name Snow White, she created the earth and universe, she give life to EVE the 1st woman on earth and she create ADAM because EVE is lonely. why i'm saying this is because last night Snow White told me in the dream that I was the choosen one to speard her word to the world and she is going to create an utopia on earth in the year 10000.

    now Snow White is god because I said so, can you disprove me that Snow White isnt god? I even have my own bible that prove she IS god. Its MUST be the truth because my bible (white i wrote it myself) said so.

    as fruther prove that Snow White is god, remember the Fairytale Snow White? how the hell do you think they got those idea? it was Snow White her self been give them idea on those fairlytale. OMG she MUST be real, her fairytale already been know world wide. OMG OMG Snow White is GOD, it is been PROVEN!

    yup, people shouldnt question my claim because Snow White is holy and almighty god, all hail SNOW WHITE, the creator of the universe.
  2. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    What you're actually saying proves one thing, you're ignorant. Basically, you're just sticking around one single subject to prove something wrong, is there any more proof your willing to make, besides your present ones.

    Please present the evidence in your case
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    wrong. He is making a very good case and using religion against itself. he says god is snow white, religious people shout blasphemy, but they can't actually prove him wrong. It's like the argument I use against christian recruiters. 'Give me two reasons that disprove the existence of my godesses that cannot also be used to disprove the existence of your god." None of them have ever even managed one, they fall back on the 'our god is the one true god, you're going to hell if you do not change your ways' argument, which I could also use. I also calmly inform them that the bible is not proof of anything if they try to use that route.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well loonylion is right, too bad you cant see what i'm trying to do Kamage...beside making fun of religion (which i am anyway XD), because its useless to talk logic with those religion people (explaining thing what religion really is, and idea behind god), all they said is god this...god that...so i develop my Snow White god thingy.....everytime some religion people try to convert me, i try to counter them by converting them which is quite fun to do (not to mention piss them off in the process). Snow White religion FTW XD
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    guys chill out. people can believe what they like.
    us non believers are just as bad as they are for going "science, science,science, blah blah blah" there are loads of things science can prove and more it can't and even some of the things that it does prove are just theorys backed up by mathimatical princinpals.
    your just as stupid to say there is no god, ok i don't belive ether but i at least allow for the idea of god maybe not the loving caring god but a being may of done something.

    there may be no proof of god but there has been proof of jesus wether you'd like to believe that or not but there is many written records that this man was real.

    i have my own reason for not liking the idea of god but i keep that to my self and don't shove it in there face's and you shouldn't shove science in there face (unless they are knocking at your door or someone like that)

    god is a placebo it makes people feel better and be nice and feel happy and loved so let them have thier placebo and not ram science down thier necks (unless you realy have to) otherwise we are just as bad
  6. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Reminds me when I was in grade school, some kid walked up to me and said "Hmm, there's nothing written in the bible that says I shouldn't kick your ass" of course I counter attacked with "there's nothing in the bible that says you should." **

    Your truly making yourself look like a fool when you try to push your thoughts, no matter what they are, into someones face. There is nothing you can say or do to chance the way someone believes in something, so any type of "proof" you have is useless against anyone who believes differently. this message isn't for the christians, and this message isn't for the atheists or agnostics, it's for everyone.

    ** (my point on this quote is that even religious people stuff crap down non-religious peoples throats. Thats the way it is and will always be until we are proven either right or wrong)
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Religion = Outdated fuel for war.

    We created your so called "God"

    He/She/It never existed. There is no God.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Love thy neighbour as thyself.
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    You know, I'm still surprised this topic is alive >.> even with the wrong grammar on the title...
  10. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Isn't that one of the Ten Commandments as well? man, if I could turn back time.... :p
  11. marcy

    marcy Guest

    For me there is only one god

    and that is me :p

    I belief in whatever he believes in

    I do whatever he want me to do

    I shout when I pinch him

    and every morning I look into the mirror and think:"Oh my god !!!"

    see, I am my own god, checked and proven
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    are you referring to your brain as in your consciousness?! "i shout when i pinch him" suggests that idea. what god are you [good or evil] and how would you prove it?
  13. marcy

    marcy Guest

    No, my consciousness is even less than that slimy organ inside my head.
    Not even half of everything your doing is conscious to you. Ask yourself what was the first thing you did when you got home?

    My brain gets much (not all) data from my eyes, ears, skin and most (not all) other peripheral nerves of my body.
    With all that data it mainly controls my body, many less information is really conscious to me.

    ROFL :D
    It depends on what you mean when you say good or respectively evil.

    For me there are only 2 things I can't see as good and bad at the same time.
  14. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    To skip back several posts, I'd like to comment that calvin makes a very valid case here. In summary, there's no less evidence that a bullfrog named Jerimiah ruled 7 galaxies before creating earth in 7 days (which couldn't be measured before the earth and sun actually existed) than the stories of the Bible. The only real evidence towards anything in the Bible are Roman documents supporting the existence of a guy named Jesus, but there's nothing to show that he was actually magical. And by the way, anyone who takes a source, such as the Bible, literally is a kook. It's about the morals and ideas represented in the Bible stories. If you believe that two of each animal (including animals from undiscovered continents) got on a big arch during a storm, you likely need to rethink everything you've ever believed.
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'd just like to make the point it was not 2 of each animal, thats a common mistsake often made. it was 7 of each clean animal and 2 each if it was an unclean animal e.g. pigs and such
  16. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    ^ I think Noah's gonna need a bigger boat...

  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    When Shirley Jackson published "The Lottery," readers responded in outrage while others were asking where could they go to attend this event.

    The fact that the entire story was purely fictional, and also the fact that some lowly intelligent people actually thought it was real, proves that humans will believe anything that they read...at least in the 1940s.

    Could this also be inferred that a "writer" of the Bible did the exact same thing?...and that lowly intelligent people (even further back in time than 1948) believed that the stories that the Bible contained were true? That Noah really did have a gigantic epic sized boat with every damn species inside it?

    Last I checked, the Galapagos Islands alone contain thousands of different species of all walks of life. Did Noah travel around the entire world within the time he was given?
  18. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I believe in God.
  19. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    what about those Iraqis? they blow themselves up just so they deserve a place beside their god. i should know, i too am a Moslem. and not all of them are terrorists, suicide bombers, or trouble makers. they only hate Americans (and for a good reason).
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    but does hating americans justify trying to kill as many as possible?, especially when in virtually all cases, it's not the american people they hate, but the actions of the american government.
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