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god, do you exists?!

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    But she didn't create the ingredients did she?
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    how is it discrimination we are welcoming the debate on if god exists but so far no one yet has had a strong enough argument so it just seems one sided
  3. RegalSpit

    RegalSpit Active Member

    Ok, I'm new to this alright so chill. Ok...
    Then what happens when we die? Do we reincarnate or is that it? We live life we die, we're nothing...
    What kind of an existence is that???
  4. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Invalid logic.
    Whether or not the absence of a god means that when we die our consciousness does not continue, and no matter how undesirable that is, it doesn't provide any logical or empirical evidence for or against the existence of god.

    You keep making arguments like this:
    "I wouldn't like it if god didn't exist, therefore he must."

    Which is structured identically to this:
    "I wouldn't like it if I weren't rich, therefor I am."

    Stop it.
    That's not logically valid and it's not going to fly unless you're talking to kindergartners.
  5. Sterl500

    Sterl500 Member

    ok first off this is my first post, second ive only read the first few pages; i'm sick of it!

    I'm a baptist protestant, and i go by the book... Just for you people out there thats *the Bible*.

    i going in my post, for a history lesson. People that study the bible find out from researching, that the Bible can accurately predict the places that that in ancient times were cities and what not. also that mathmatician from medeval times that predicted that the earth was only 5000 years old... thats totally bogus i mean i believe that man could have walked with the dinosaurs, even hunted them. I don't believe however that man could have evolved from gorillas, monkeys, or whatever. Pigs for pete's sake have some of the same arteries and internal structure as humans do, i haven't heard that monkeys have the matches on arteries that could be transplanted to humans later for life saving procedures.

    ill think of something else later im tired and wish to go to bed. Take it away! ;D
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  7. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Troll? Maybe >_>
    Ah well...

    The bible doesn't accurately predict anything. Every time someone tells me that, and then presents the 'prediction', it's completely based on interpretation and very often the translation is wrong anyway >_>


    Not sure who you're referring to, but if he were a mathematician, it probably was an 'educated guess' and not a prediction.
    Medieval times!? This is before they had the technology and information to log huge lists of fossils, where they were in the earth, and long before any valid way to date fossils or anything else for that matter.

    Men and Gorillas share almost identical DNA.
    In fact, the only real different is that two of our chromosomes are fused (and hold identical structure, but fused).

    Humans are branched from a common ancestor of apes. What you're saying is that monkeys should be able to provide human hearts because we branched millions of years ago. _-_
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That isn't predicting, its prior knowledge. they probably were cities when the bible was written.

    neither do bananas, but about 98% of our DNA is found in a banana.
  9. Sterl500

    Sterl500 Member

    well i guess i should've read more pages. i might have been able to give a better argument.

    you know opinions are like butt-holes everyone has one and they all stink.(mine included)

    it just so happens that i dont like some of the opinions here, but they all (most) have a bit of truth to them.

    eveloution for an example, there maybe science to back it up i just choose not to believe it.When i heard about that in history class bells have gone off in my head ever since. but see i have always believed an omnipotent force could be out there, and i have an open mind. but evouloution from inferior organisms? i just cant swallow that.

    And faith, that is all about believing in the unseen. You could worship a unicorn for all i know, but you have to have faith. let me give you a quote from a movie about santa's train.

    "Some of the most real things in this world are the things you can't see." - the Polar Express -

    ^ that requires faith. ^

    you may not see god, but god sees you. And on judgement day when im high in the sky, i am not gonna even bother to tell you i told you so.

    well i am off to work at about 6:15 in the morning, ill be watching you!
  10. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    I've created, just for you, a rehabilitation program.

    1) Learn the difference between an opinion and argument.
    -See how other posts include supporting evidence and well as logical reasoning? Yours do not.

    2) Decide why you believe and don't believe certain things. Then research them.
    -Don't believe in evolution? That's fine. But why? Don't believe complex organisms could eventually come from simple organisms? Ok, then research it. Google will provide with tons of explanations and evidence for your study.

    3) Learn to reason.
    -Take a logic class at your local community college. It will do you wonders.
  11. monter

    monter Guest

    God is one sadistic bastard. By the way if god did exist where did he come from how did Jesus come about ? Did God just rape a random woman on earth ? "Yes I see that woman has noticbly large breasts her pussy shall aid me in battle time for me to take out my sword" said God the christian version is "Thou have large bussom you're pussy cat shall quench my first for justice time for me to take out my wand"
  12. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    God doesn't speak in run-on sentences.
  13. monter

    monter Guest

    How would you know have you met him ?
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's where you lack knowledge, man never walked with dinsours. the good old dino's died millions of years before man became man.
    this is why we debate because it shows almost every time that those who believe in god have never asked any questions and never sought answers from reliable sources that are not there priest.

    do you need more!!
    life is life, we live we die.
    maybe a life of doing nothing and being bored out you skull cause you follow a book is rubbish and not having something else sucks
    but i have lived my life had fun been good and bad and i will welcome death at the end.
    actually eternal life would be my worst nightmare
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    "people ask 'why would a perfect god let so much evil happen in this universe?'. They've missed a greater conundrum; why would a perfect god create a universe at all" - Alpha Centauri.

    Oddly apt
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Life is energy, energy never just disapears it gets recycled. That's science and that implies that there could be something after the death of your body...
    And Religion is invalid in an argument because YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE!!! We have evidence that air exists although we can't see it so shut up Sterl500 and that movie is stupid anyway..
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I lol'ed. Faith is a mental crutch to support those whom otherwise have no motivation or trust in the world. Judgment Day is a concept created by people to stave away their fear of the dark - the end of their lives and the unknown after it. If rooting my life in firm, provable facts will send me to hell, I'll happily burn a thousand times over.

    I'll tell you what's after death. The chemical potential energy in your cells eventually breaks down. It's eventually absorbed into the food chain. It doesn't imply the existence of something after life unless you believe in a soul being a mystical energy, which I do not believe is even remotely plausible. Our sense of self is simply electrical impulses in our brains acting in the centres for abstract thought.

    If you really had an open mind you'd be able to at least accept that it was a highly probable theory. As it is you just sound like so many more religious nutjobs. "Inferior organisms"? They should all be equal if they're part of your God's creation, right?
    As for your belief that there is an omnipotent force out there, refer to my post above. Epicurus gave four questions and four answers on the nature of your so-called God. Read them and rebut them before you post again.
  18. monter

    monter Guest

    I think sephs god because he made Romulation ;D

    All hail the mighty Seph De polar bear shagger.
  19. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Regina is God.

    I think I'm in love.

    Pic related.

  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I think I'm a god, but only because I can hear pryers from a remote tribe of elves living on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. That, and I can create ants.
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