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god, do you exists?!

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    already a subscriber
  2. wes_new_name

    wes_new_name Well-Known Member

    isnt this kinda to seriouse to debate over an illegal website? :-[

    ( im christian *woot! )
  3. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    It's in the debate section o_O

    Aren't roms kind of serious to be distributed over an illegal intranetz!
    Or did I just blow your mind.
  4. wes_new_name

    wes_new_name Well-Known Member

    this subject is about making u stop believing in god so do not read any of the other posts
  5. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    If you cannot question your beliefs, you have no right to expect others to believe them.

    This is my mantra:
    If you believe something, you'd best be willing to defend it.
    And if you can't defend it, you'd best be willing to think about it.
    And if you come to understand you believed it simply because you liked to, you'd better be willing to change your mind or endure the ridicule that a village idiot receives on a daily basis.
  6. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    is there a god?
    depends on what you believe in
    we christians/catholics of course believe in our almighty and powerful god
    muslims believe in allah
    buddhists believe(praise worship etc) in buddha(...)
    and so on
  7. monter

    monter Guest

    In my opinion is that how can there be a god if there are all these diffrent religions saying their god is real. They can not all be real. I think that if there is a god he would be a alien that maybe used science to create us. Or we where created by another race that was about to leave this planet for other worlds and made us to fill the gaps in there place once they left Earth.
  8. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    as i posted earlier it depends on what you believe in
    cause i cant force any adult to just take up my religion(unless hes really stupid and very gullible)
  9. monter

    monter Guest

    We can't prove anything! God can be whoever you want him/her to be. Infact you could think of god as you're parents, they gave you life. Or a giant hunk of cheese.
  10. Quintafeira12

    Quintafeira12 Active Member

    I still belive in the flying Spagheti monster...

    Or "Spode"... as some call it...

  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    :D i believe in the noodles

    and it inspired me to make this (yes i have just made this)

  12. tiklu

    tiklu Well-Known Member

    Okay.. I'm atheist but...
    God would exist... but it I don't think so that god is random guy in the clouds or something...
    and it would be connection with evolution theory.

    I have thought this too... My result of thinking is that there is many gods, and different religions just believe other gods than other religions.
    This is just an opinion...
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    allah = god and IIRC buddhist didnt praise buddha, they follow the teaching of buddha to escape the rebirth and free from suffering of life (a stats call nirvana i think).

    or they are no god and the result of mutiple god is because people create them in thier imagination. Just like Snow White is my goddess, can you disprove my belief? i dont think so.
  14. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Simply because many opposing things cannot be simultaneously true, it does not logically follow that none of them are.
  15. tiklu

    tiklu Well-Known Member

    That's other result of course...
    And it's not about god only. God is just little piece of religion...
  16. mekusho

    mekusho Well-Known Member

    I say it's just a waste of time for the people reading all the posts here looking for answers.
    First of all, to not believe in god or in life after death needs a lot of courage and for those looking for awnswers it takes a lot of time to actually understand them.
    I don't really have the courage to be non believer even though I doubt that god exists.
  17. tiklu

    tiklu Well-Known Member

    Maybe we just have have to waste something like this?? or maybe someones really wants the answers and looks those from here.

    and yeah.. You are right about that understanding those answers takes a lot of time.
    If we just get the answer and we don't understand it correctly uh-mm... example it could be samelike as people misunderstands the Bible...
  18. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    [quote author=mekusho link=topic=5373.msg112460#msg112460 date=1223292485]
    I say it's just a waste of time for the people reading all the posts here looking for answers.
    First of all, to not believe in god or in life after death needs a lot of courage and for those looking for awnswers it takes a lot of time to actually understand them.
    I don't really have the courage to be non believer even though I doubt that god exists.

    But you do have the courage to pretend you believe in something that there is no (and opposing) evidence for.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Other religions aren't really covered by the original question "god, do you exists?" God is really a Judeo-Christian & Islamic thing, so it's really a debate on whether or not the Jewish/Christian/Islam God exists. Personally, I'm agnostic as I have no way of proving whether or not God exists. Having said that, I have a far stronger conviction that God does not exist as the only "proof" on offer are myths, fables and some very old writings of unknown origin. Of course the proof to prove the contrary is quite shaky too. Different cultures have different reasons for events that happened in the Bible, the Catholic Church is hiding portions of the Bible and God's apparent lack of concern as to our fate. from an Islamic standpoint, they have been ill-treated by Christians, and yet God has sent noone since Muhammed. From a Christian Standpoint, people of the Islamic faith are attacking innocents and yet God has sent no help since Jesus, and from a jewish standpoint, unbelievable atrocities have been inflicted on their race, some of the worst of which were committed by Christians again, and yet God has sent no help since David. I think it was David anyway, not 100% on that one.

    Sorry about the length of the post, most people probably won't read it anyway because I'm a HEATHEN! and must BURN IN THE DEEPEST FIERY PITS OF HELL! as a forgiving and kindly God looks on in pity and remorse.
  20. RegalSpit

    RegalSpit Active Member

    I believe in God. There is so much evidence pointing to the existence of God, that many are to blind to either see or comprehend.

    I could write them all down but this website already hosts many of my views:


    I hope some of you may find this site helpful.
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