What I take offense from the whole global warming / climate change debate, is that opponents of man-made global warming often, if not ALWAYS have vested interests. I take a cautious approach to this issue myself, but most evidence at the moment depict the truth of man-made global warming. Then there are the so-called "climate experts", which are really industry shills, that refute it totally and basically cast FUD over the entire idea of sustainable development. No, it is NOT an issue of the government overpricing products. Hell, I would even go as far as to say that if we had practiced sustainable development, increase in price would not be a problem. But you fail to mention what kind of overpricing it is. Inflation, and the economic crisis currently stand to increase prices of goods more than global warming. I agree that sometimes the issue is profited from by the ones in power. See "Carbon Trading/ Carbon Tax". And the fact that "going green" has become something of a current fad rather than prolonged action. But it remains quite valid.
Does it really matter? If Global warming is or isn't real we need to acknowlage the possiblity. Scientists and Gov.'s have to come together to avoid it, whether or not it has or hasn't happened before. Now if it is real and we stop it then hey we just avoided a replay of The Day After Tomorrow now if it isn't real, then you know whatever, we've just made the air more healthy among other things. In my opinion it dosen't matter as long as something is done to avoid the possability.
Humans have already set the accelerator for global warming, they can't slow it down now. What we SHOULD be doing is trying to prepare ourselves so we don't all get killed by it later on
no, not only our self..... but other living things as well because human doesnt have any effect on earth even if we are gone, but other living things such as earth worm, if gone, it make a big impact on the soil and anything related to it.
Scientists say a lot of things. It's their job. The only hard fact about "global warming" is that it's not a fact. Sure there is evidence to support it, but there is evidence for and against every case...
Well if you're wondering why we're panicking it's because the general populous enjoys jumping on the band wagon of media induced mass hysteria. The planet goes through periods of warming and cooling. The Earth doesn't follow the same path around the sun all the damn time. Some many large number of years ago, Africa was actually quite a hip-happening lush and green environment and not the large expanse of desert it now is. It was like that when the sun would be directly above quite a bit more often than it is now. One of the physicists who pop around this forum could probably explain it better if they took a few astronomy classes. Basically, the extra heat kept a nice cycle of raining, evaporation, clouds, more rain and so on. I don't think people seem to notice that the more we try to "fix" things we just tend to screw things up even more. If there's anyone in Bio here you probably know what I mean... We over-harvest anything-plants, animals, what have you, and we end up screwing up an ecosystem. We try to fix it by replacing what we over-harvested on. Then they go ape S' on whatever they live on an destroy another ecosystem, then we try to jump in and fix that and... ya you get it. Let's just cross our arms, sit on our asses, and just forget we saw anything. Even if we destroy the entire planet, we'd only be killing ourselves and perhaps a large majority of other life on this planet- but hey! Environmentalists! The planet is still here! Score one for us
Are you a US politician? or any plan to run for public office? you are badly needed in capitol hill. Also, i thought the earth has a specific orbit around the sun and africa is mostly a vast densed forest/jungle area... thanks for the new info's. I need to research it and get photos for my next lecture. I've even rented the incovenient truth for them to watch.
Whether or not we agree with "global warming" / "climate change", we have to change our attitude towards the planet we live in. "Let's just sit and be happy and fuck our planet over" is not a good plan. Moving towards alternative energy, taking better care of our forests, and limiting our waste products is vital for our survival regardless of global warming.
uh... no with the melting of the snow we get rising sea levels therefore less land mass to live in. so you're saying the people in the coastline are weaker than people inland unless they grow gills? I don't follow the logic
no, not that people in the coastline are weaker, but they need to adapt, like build higher or floating houses or even a underwater city which is I'm still searching if its even possible. And about the comparison of weak and strong. the "weak" in my statement is the people who will be affected and will not do anything/ adapt to that situation. Look at the country in Europe like Denmark, instead of retreating to father into the mainland, they built those windmills. If they did not build those things, most of the country will be underwater. And about the melting snow. I was talking about the areas up north, and down south. Like countries like russia and canada, they are one of the biggest countries in the world, but most of their land are covered by snow and its a harsh environment to live and grow vegetation, but due to global warming melting the snow, those tundra will turn into grasslands and will be suitable for habitation and vegetation. I'm not saying global warming is a good thing cause its not. But its not going to just go away even if we stop producing co2 and planting trees. those measures are just to slow the increasing rate of global warming. So will we are slowing global warming, we should also think things on how to adapt instead of making reality of "Waterworld".
I'm just horrible with geography. The ENTIRETY of Africa was a dense forest/jungle, not just the middle portion. The sun used to hang out over certain portions of the planet a lot longer. I haven't taken astronomy in how the hell I don't remember how long, but I think what I was trying to get at was that the rotation of the Earth has slowed down since our modern time. It's theorized that we're losing speed from the moon messing with the tides on Earth. It's not very much, but it adds up over billions of years, which can result in some drastic climate changes. And no, I'm not planning to be a politician- they wouldn't have me. I'm in my own political party called "bi-polar", have no party affiliation, love guns, want to legalize all drugs, pro-death (opposite of pro-life I guess?), support socialism, think that church affairs should not be anywhere near the government (marriage), love the death penalty, hate sean hannity or however you spell that tards name etc. http://www.infoplease.com/askeds/world-largest-desert.html http://library.thinkquest.org/29033/begin/earthsunmoon.htm ^^ read further down on that one for the strangeness of Earth's orbit. And damnit people, stop taking what I say out of context. I never said just sit back and fuck up the planet, we just gotta drop this "holier than the rest of life on this planet" and think that we are charged with the sacred duty of "fixing" the planet or making it better. Who the hell are we to decide how this planet is supposed to be? We're screwing this place up entirely with our own existence and our whole attitude that this is our planet (humans) and not our planet (everything else on this planet). What I'm saying is to just stop trying to decide how many animals and what kind are supposed to be in one spot, planting trees and plants in areas where they aren't even indigenous to, all this food hoarding (farming)... we just need to get off it. We tend to think we have the solution for everything and we end up making it worse. Alternative energy sources only work to prolong our destructive nature on this planet and each other. If the world was bankrupt of oil, how do you surmise it would break down? There would be a lot less pollution...
And I don't know if you meant I'm needed in Capitol hill because I'm as big a bullshitter as they are, contradict myself so damn much, should join the senate cuz I can filibuster something proper I'd gather, or you meant that extremely sarcastically and I'm an idiot and I should be nowhere near any position of any importance.
your ideas are needed, and how can you be an idiot if you have given good arguments? those who are now in power are idiots, making laws but has no or lasting effects like in global warming and stuff.
see exactly most of the people who bitch about global warming with watched day after tomrrow or al gores stupid ass movie. Its the l;ife cycle of the planet and since it hasnt happened in a while its bound to no matter what. truee co2 effetcs the enivroment but it was bound to happen anyway. there is no way to fix it its just what happens and like astronamers say the planet changes its revolution around the sun. im so sick of all the stupid going green shit. My dad drives a hummer. im getting a hummer. and i could care less about it. we fucked up the envirment with the factories and the 60s muscle cars with the co2 emissions and we wont fix it. just put the research towards underwater citys and living on mars and such. dont worry about fixing something we already broke.
Wow... just wow... I will refrain from commenting on this because of sheer stupidity alone. But I digress; get as many Hummers as you can possibly afford. Enjoy your life. Surely a sustainable way of living is too uppity for you.
Well, I still stand by my statement that the recent global warming controversy should at least be a wake-up call to take better care of the environment, regardless whether it proves to be true or false.
To those who doesn't like to be part of saving the world, or against those people who likes to make better or world, you are no different to the people in the movie " Idiocracy " . Try watching or reading the plot of that movie.