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girl help...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by redoperator, Dec 22, 2009.

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  1. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    yes, kiss her outta nowhere
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Hell, grab some boob while are at it! Give her a slap on the butt too. I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

    (obviously not though)
  3. caoruu

    caoruu Active Member

    well girls are girls,and to girls they don't tell someone their crush unless your one of her friends
    and i say, Direct approach is the best way
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    What's with the ridiculous stuttering and ellipses? Good idea with the curry, though. ::)

    Edit: Also, douchebag. Not Deutsch bag.
  5. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    Skin Color?
    Does she go both ways?

    *Important Details. It's better not to wait to ask. I did that once.....She was tired of waiting, and found another person. So, suck it up be a man. Text message*
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ahh SHAT UP XD

    He's been here long enough to know what can be asked-he ain't asking about nose bleeds atr least XD

    I wouldn't know, I take hugs as a sign of friendship, especially if it doesn't feel forced.

    I dislike hugs...and feel rather awkward being hugged, but I can tell if it feels real or fake.

    Does this matter?

    Man skin doesn't matter nor age...I could say a few things but I'm not inclined to start a racial debate.

    I'd try asking but appear worried...if they snap then it's not your fault...just don't be a jerk about it.
  7. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    Ah...You misjudge. Most of the things I posted involve personality, and how to approach/ask them. Such as

    Age= Is she between 10-14? =She may not be too mature= Try to kid around make her laugh then ask

    Skin=When//How to approach her= (Example:A certain race may hang around in a group) Sometimes when depending on race,you can find the right time to ask.

    Does she go both ways?= I just thought I'd put this here for a xD

    (Note: I'm in no way racist, and I may be incorrect on all of the above.)
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'll open up...

    Some girls can tend to be a bit "emotional" from experience and may take things differently to guys.

    I find (again from experience) some asian women can be the most intelligent...but emotional (hay-I' half asian XD)

    And sexual preferance (both ways) is like gambling (again from expereince/word of mouth) as you have no idea what might happen.

    But try to see the person as who they are, if your worried, ask them, just don't act cocky but don't show to much fear...makes it easier for them to lie to you...but being too "tough" pisses anyone off.

    This is my view, and I have been beaten for it...so...

    [me=hYpNoS]awaits ass kicking[/me]
  9. nectarine

    nectarine Active Member


    Excuse me while I die of lulz at this.
  10. Wei-boy79

    Wei-boy79 New Member

    Hello gavilatius

    I don't think leaving it to January is a good idea,

    first you're saying, I'll leave it till tomorrow which will never come,

    second she might have someone by then, never leave later, just like homework do them before it's due else you rush and cram them in and not complete it * just a metaphor*

    and be friends is a good way to start it off, but don't try and be friends too long else she might think you only want to be friends, get the courage to ask her out! the only worst thing is a rejection, either she got someone she likes, or else she wants to be friends!

    and the great thing is your going out with her!;)

    I hope you the very best!
  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    act like a man for gods sake...
  12. Wei-boy79

    Wei-boy79 New Member

    Hey nex26

    that is very vague, and you can't just say that, people are all different in one way or another, he might want to take his time to think about what we all said, I guess it's true to act like a man but you have to take a step at a time, I know he won't do it straight away but, it's an encouragement so he can do it as soon as possible!

    Hope you can write longer replys next time, I'm not sure if your trying to help him or your getting angry at him, but I guess your trying to help him!

    oh yeah forgot to say, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    there's only one way he's going to get the girl, and it's not by moping around on a forum...
  14. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I agree.
    I mean he should really just ask her.
    If she says no then she doesn't like him and if she says yes then they will be together.
  15. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    someone could die reading this!

    good luck man!
  16. seanyuk

    seanyuk Well-Known Member

    It means she wants to to go into a ramen shop and say "HAARD-O GAAAAYYYY!"
  17. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

  18. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    well shut up and die then...

    so don't act too wimpy, yet not too tough... um, is there a minigame for this I can practice with?
    Post Merge: [time]1261621832[/time]
    lolz, well its christmas break so january 5 is the closest thing to a shot... maybe i should ask how her trip to disney land went?
  19. nectarine

    nectarine Active Member

    If you need help from a forum in order to talk to a girl, you should just give up and buy a book for dummies on dating.
  20. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

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