All humans did, however apes were not the start. The furthest back we have been able to determine is that we were actually marine creatures at one point, then we learned to breathe air and walk on land. It was around that time that we had tails. This was thousands of years before apes.
effectively humans evolved from apes, but the apes in turn evolved from something else, it's a chain spanning millions of years and you don't even have to go half way back to find that we were creatures entirely unrecogisable as what we are today.
This much is true I think at the start of it all the majority of life was represented by what could only be described as immobile marine cockroaches.
Breaking news. You are considered a winner of the debate if you use a facepalm, when your own remarks, of course, are already off topic anyways. I see nothing wrong to my knowledge with genetically enhanced humans. It's just that there are risks involved.
if we're making fun of the candidates now, somebody should post a dead moose with McCain's face and sarah palin holding a 30 06