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GBA graphics used in NDS games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by timmy1991, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Vainone, even then, there's still the limited vram.
  2. I personally like 2d, it's not too complicated... lol
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Gameplay is all that matters...

    Sure, the ds sprite abilities KILLS the psp (I should know) and sure, the 3-d can suck at times, but if the right amount is used (ie so you can actually play without instinctivly go "I can't see") and is paired up with great gameplay, who honestly cares about power...

    That is what nintendo is using-it might have made a power house to kill the psp but not only was it a innovative idea (instead of a system trying to do what it shouldn't just yet...well now at least) it was cost effective...

    It saves nintendo money to make, and MAKES heaps in return...why look at the psp in aus, how many ds's you see compared to psp (it's easier to use as well, japan is a totally different climate, so we won't bother discussing that)

    Of course, the gameplay is what keeps us hardcores attached (I would have sold my 3 ds's when I got my psp if it weren't for the exclusives)...

    ...Now, I own kirby's dream land on my wii (yeah a REAL ONE, NOT ROM OR BIN FILE) and it was to experience what it would have been like if I found an nes copy (that was cheaper than 15 bucks :) ) and you know what?

    It may seem to be a waste, but it was for the gameplay, not to waste a machine's power-if everyone thought the same, the virtual console idea would have been a waste-it isn't (though I'm guessing alot of us just "cheat the system" with wii hacking).

    ...And you know what-while it's not the same as one-most of the time the ds 3-d beats the 64's, not all the time but a great deal of the time, and the 64 was the XBOX of the day as well...

    I put things into a strange perspective, as you can guess, though I admit I hate it when a ds uses gba sprites and barley there touch screen use...waste...

    As for timmy1991, it's not invaild what your saying...but you do need to open up, and this is a nintendo fanboy telling you off (who just happens to own a hacked psp, but being second hand won't net sony any cash)!
  4. TheNosh

    TheNosh Member

    whatever system it's on, Castlevania should ALWAYS be 2d.

    there were two for the n64, they were 3d... it didn't work as well as the 2d Castlevania titles in my opinion
  5. impulse513

    impulse513 Active Member

    2D graphics are always great on the ds like mario and luigi rpg 3 but some games can pull off 3D graphics like kingdom hearts 358/2 days
  6. Jatz10

    Jatz10 New Member

    I think the NDS 2D graphics are fine!
  7. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    insanecrazy: Are you aware that the majority of a game's size is nothing more than sprites and tiles (if 2-D), textures (if 3-D), and audio? The actual engine and raw data in a game accounts for maybe 30% of a game's size at most. Games shouldn't be judged on their size, for even a huge game (in both MB and in scope) can be trash, while a smaller game with rich gameplay will be more enjoyable AND take up less space on your flashcard, allowing you to get more good games on it.

    Bigger != Better.

    As far as 3-D vs. 2-D, well.. let's see. The DS has two 256x192 screens, supports some form of OpenGL (or similar graphics library), has the same amount of RAM as the N64 (4 MB) and a few more technical tricks, but a lower texture size, polygon limit, and draw distance. And that's the ARM9.

    The ARM7 is pretty much the same thing that the GBA uses, and it's capable of Mode 7 sprite scaling and rotation, 5+ layers (not exactly sure on this one, anyone more knowledgeable on this?) for graphics, supports the same 15-bit colorspace as the ARM9, and can handle up to 128 sprites on-screen. As far as background capabilities, based on what I've seen in the Map viewer in VBA while running Golden Sun, the BG02 VRAM bank holds a space that's 512x512 pixels; this may be the same for the other 3 VRAM banks.

    I'm not sure of the maximum texture size or any of the other 3-D specs since that's not my field of interest, but it's a good bet to say that the DS is practically designed to be the a great 2-D machine. With this in mind, why WOULDN'T a developer harness these strengths and crank out a great game or two?

    As great of a system that the DS is, its 3-D is not stellar and does 2-D extremely well.
  8. Rayman4321

    Rayman4321 Active Member

    I like good and original 2D side scrollers more than bad 3D games.
    I love games like Castlevania, Mario and sonic games..... but 3D versions on the DS would be terrible.

    If you want good 3D Nintendo games with good graphics (ok SM64DS and Kingdom Hearts are good) than just wait for a new handheld.