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Gay Rights And Some Related Literature

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tarotmaniac, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Actually, I said it since I believe it's hardwired, it isn't able to be cancelled by the parent's gene.
    There are genes that are random, etc, that aren't from either parent. A "gay gene" would be similar.

    I can assure you that most gay people would prefer to be straight as to not deal with the issues of being gay. However, it is not a choice, and hiding what you truly are is cowardice.
    ....We have similar functions, and we are very comparable to mice (another reason they use these animals for testing things that may affect humans)
    No, there is a much higher chance that sexuality is not chosen at all. Due to that, I would assume it is not.

    Edit: RL has called me. I wish this could continue, but I have to go.
  2. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Um, what?

    Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Human gametes (sex cells, ie sperm and ova) contain 23 chromosomes in total, ie one from each pair. When a sperm cell fertilises an ovum to form a zygote (a fertilised egg), we get 46 chromosomes. This number occasionally differs (for example, with Down Syndrome), but in all cases a mammal's genetic code comes entirely from their parents.

    There are no genes that are random, and no genes that aren't from either parent.
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member


    Actually, it is possible.
    It is near the bottom, but it is advisable that you read the whole article. Quite a reputable researcher.
    There are exceptions to every belief, and things are being proven wrong constantly.

    Here's a quote.
  4. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Ah, Mendel's peas, that takes me back.

    But it's not saying what you think it's saying. There are dominant and recessive genes - let's call them D and r. Now, let's construct a Punnett square to aggregate the potential results of breeding with these two genes.


    As D is dominant, it masks the effects of the recessive r gene when the two exist simultaneously (hence Mendel having more yellow peas). The r gene only manifests when there are two of them.

    Therefore, assuming we have parents with genes DD and rr, they are 50% likely to have a child with genes Dr. This is what the site you linked refers to when it says "new combinations are possible".
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    [me=_devon_]looks at last five posts[/me]

    [me=_devon_]looks at topic title[/me]

  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Here is my opinion, due to my upbringing I was homophobic, even lesbians worried me (even hot ones) until things changed...

    I can tolerate it, but when they come onto me, YOU WILL GET A CROTCH KICK!
    (Only once, but let me tell you, I have a 0 tolerance policy)

    I can work with them, I'll hang with them, I'm best mates with a few, just don't even try touch me, man to man contact except to carry a drunken mate or my tired brother...it seems the homophobic side of me is still gripped, but I can function fine provided you keep senible, hell even straight people who pretend to be gay or just hug me randomly I will react.

    Also I forsee this topic's death, this WILL happen.

    (If you don't like my views then sorry-mental programming is hard to disable, blame my father who can't stand even knowing one is gay)

    You and tuhuber have been the salvation of this topic.
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Actually, according to a gay friend of mine (hey, don't judge - I DO work in design), gay people have a built in gaydar that filters out a great deal of heteros. I mean, have you crotcheded a gay guy yet?

    Although, rereading your post, you should know this already.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    First time when I was young I just ran away, these days it's just new people who are friends of friends, they hug me...and yeah.

    So far no real gays, just idiots wanting some PAIN.
  9. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Well thank you for clearing that up.
    My opinion on gay rights does not change, but I am more informed than before. When I read that, I was a zombie. Now that I've went to school and got some sleep (yes, I sleep in school and pass easily, my school IS in the US) I understand it a lot clearer. I apologize for my tiredness.

    XD This is true, actually.
  10. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    So Paranioa Agent,what rights do you think Gays should have.
    Why do a lot of Gays go OTT by remonstrating the fact they are Gay-and others ashamed by it.
    Why do a lot of them need to dress up as women and wear cosmetics.
    Are people born with a gene that makes them want to be transexuals or get sex change operations.

    Or are all the above examples just sexual deviants....
  11. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    I've always thought that men who dress up as women (transsexuals) mostly are "women" who are trapped in a man's body. I've never put transsexuals and gay men into the same group as they are different.

    I know gay men, but none of them wear women's clothes or wear make-up.
  12. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I can only put my logic forward in respect to me having sex with a women,as that is what happens by the majority of people.I do not want to associate with Gays as for starters I dont understand them.Ive also never seen any guy strut about preclaiming his hetrosexuality,or making sexual inuendos like certain Gays feel that they have to do.
  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    -The right to live without discrimination, and to marry. If gays want to be miserable and marry, I see why not.

    -That's your highly limited opinion
    -That's your highly limited opinion as well, and it's wrong. Most gay men do not dress as women at all. You'd see a lot more transvestites (oops, thanks tehuber) if that were the case.

    -No, false. And that is utterly irrelevant.

    -....Not a good question, is that?

    Post Merge: [time]1288124482[/time]
    Please do not pretend you used logic.
    And I have seen straight guys "strut" and make tons of sexual innuendos. There is no basis for your belief that gays do that more.
    You seem to not visit the internet much, if you don't know that.

    Once again, you have to be a troll (even accidentally)
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    So a lot means MOST-your interpretation.How can anyone have a discussion with you when your replying with stuff a poster hasnt even said.Thats about 15 times in this thread.......

    You always seem to bend what people have said,and thus constantly erring.
  15. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    No....Just no.
    I even addressed everything you said point by point. I will edit my post and make it even clearer for you.

    Edit: I made it easier to see, LITM. Though I'm sure you will still say I ignored your post.
  16. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Its not me that needs to read things properly Steve-its you.Ive nothing against Homosexuals,but hopefully the Catholic Church will continue with its policy.....
  17. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Of course you have nothing against homosexuals. And I have nothing against you, whatsoever.
    I grow tired of this. You broke the thread for me, LITM. Don't bother replying. Wonderful.
  18. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Your no mod on here,so dont tell me what to do pal.Anyway,maybe youve got swimming 1st lesson tomorrow------whooooooooopee

    Thank you and good night
  19. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    For the record, cross dressers are transvestites. Transsexuals are people of both genders.
  20. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    Saying all gays are flamboyant assholes is kinda like saying all jews are greedy or something of that nature, in that you should be cut for saying it, and its bullshit.

    You have nothing against them, you just don't want to associate with them, or give them rights, and you want them all to burn for eternity in hell? CHARMANDER! CHAR! CHAR!