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Gay Rights And Some Related Literature

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tarotmaniac, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    One of them also compared my views on a parallel to not liking disabled people when
    1.My son is disabled.
    2.Im donating maybe 10xpsp to a disabled school nearby for Christmas.
    3.One of the Admins on here is disabled.

    If they stopped swinging their handbags for a minute,then they might learn something

    Adam and Steve :-*
  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You have to be a troll.
    I will now assume you are a troll. It's okay, you seem to be okay with assumptions.

    I feel like I'm reading youtube comments.
  3. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    unless homosexuality is the devil's temptation, the forbidden fruit if you will.
  4. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    I can really think of one time "God" actually eradicated people and thats Noah's whole story thing where they say the people were corrupt in ways which could and probably did consist of gays.
  5. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    And where did I say that homosexuality is chosen/controlable.Mind you,my eyes are shot since I humped the wife this last night and this morning.

    I better jog on in case I start cracking some jokes.
  6. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    If that were the case, it would be able to "purify" gays, which always ends in failure.
    He's killed many more than just that one time.
    And if eradicated gays, how come homosexuality still exists? God failed at "purifying" the world?
    Like I said, being gay is not a choice, so it does not consist of "corruption" when you aren't corrupted, but born that way.

    You implied it, constantly.
    But let's pretend you agree it is not controllable. So you would imprison someone for something they cannot control nor has a negative effect on anyone else?
  7. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    i thought we established that wasnt the case...
  8. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    No, people are born that way. Numerous tests allude to this.
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    - Then don't make assertions with no basis.
    - Fatigue is physical, but we can decide whether we let it affect us or not.
    - "Supposedly based on facts"? What facts, and if the basis is only "supposed" then how are they valid?
    - Where did he make that claim?
    - And this is why I said you repeated me. It seems that your definition of "gay" is limited to those who have come out of the closet, but there are also closeted gays, hence why I said "a higher proportion of the existing gay population".
    - Again, if I'm wrong, correct me.
    - I fail to see why Satan would wish to purify homosexuality.
    - Now you're implying that it's genetic.
  10. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Even if "it" could purify the world all it would take is one person to experiment and boom everything is back to what it used to be.
  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    but you agreed for arguments sake that there was no gay gene, therefore how can someone be born gay?
  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    @ tehuber:
    - Yes, fatigue is physical, but you cannot mentally will it away.
    - I used the word "supposedly" because this thread has little facts.
    - I won't search for it. He implied it indirectly, there are numerous subtext.
    - I know there are more gays than those that come out. I'm just saying that officially, there isn't.

    @ the second part of tehuber's post and nex's above post.
    - I meant god, if there exists one, would have purified gays if he truly disagrees with it. He can purify it by mass slaughter of course.
    - It does not have to be genetic to be uncontrollable. A more direct example: You cannot mentally will that you are attracted to a certain sex (gays cannot mentally force themselves to be attracted to the opposite sex)

    Edit: I would love to continue, but this topic asked for opinion, and that can't be changed, so this is pointless.
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    The phrase 'born gay' alludes to the fact that it is genetic. Surely you can see that in order to be 'born anything' it can only be a result of genetics. Now I'm not suggesting that sexuality is something that can be controlled, before you jump to that conclusion, it is merely a matter of nurture over nature.
  14. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I disagree with that last part. One's surrounding has little bearing on what they are truly attracted to. It does, however have a huge impact on whether someone comes out of the closet, etc.
  15. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    you can't be born gay. babies don't have sexual preference.
  16. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    i disagree entirely, if it's not genetics that determines sexuality then the only other option is that it's a direct result of the environment one grew up in.
  17. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    We don't know that, preference might be decided at birth. Certain animals (sheep, mice) are born with preferences.
    The theory is that if those animals are gay initially, we may be similar.
    Like I said, I believe genetics is the answer, as it has far more evidence on it's side than the theory that homosexuality is chosen or nurtured in.
    On that note, since LITM agrees that it is not controllable to be gay, can we finally assume here that it is genetics?

    This is going in circles, perhaps we should stop?
    Neither side will back down willingly, and this thread will end up closed.
  18. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    you can't compare a human to a sheep. wtf is wrong with you
  19. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    - Really? In all honesty, I can. Not completely of course, but if I'm tired I'm perfectly capable of ignoring it and continuing whatever I'm doing.
    - Your interpretation of LitM's posts doesn't hold more water than mine or his.
    - And therefore the fluctuation of the statistics you linked to is caused by the increasing number of gays that come out rather than the increasing number of gays in general, which is what I was saying to begin with.
    - I don't know for sure whether God exists or not, but I do firmly believe that humans have free will. If homosexuality is not genetic, humans have free will and God exists, then the Great Flood would indeed have "purified" gays, no? Alternatively, if it is genetic, then it evidently didn't affect the holiness of Noah and his family, which would show that it is controllable.
    - In this discussion, you accepted nex's assertion that there was no gay gene. Do you not then accept his assertions that "there is no part of the brain that determines sexuality" or that "it is clearly a case of nurture > nature"? Nurture affects, at most, the way we think. What we think is perfectly within our means to control.

    You can't just keep changing your stance for your own convenience. If you wish to stand firm on your claim that it's genetic, however, then I must point you to my initial posts in this thread that show how natural selection is, as you say, "weeding them out" (something you said I was wrong about because it wasn't genetic, hmm).
  20. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    What evidence, there's none. There's no evidence of a gay gene or anything of the sort, cant you take that as the likelyhood that it doesnt exist.