...sometimes real life friends can make the best online team, or at least some mature ones. Anyone under 18 online is a douche, one guy on lost planet 2 kept swearing...and because i didn't have my mic on, I just kept wacking him... We were on the same team as well, so he didn't feel it, though i got him killed because he kept wondering...why? ...but maybe it wasn't him because he didn't say anything...I'm sure the other teams mic's can't be heard mid-game though... I thought the guy had ADHD for a moment.
When I make parties and invite all my friends PS2 and PC games+ party games are the entertainment part. My parties therefore are able to live without the overuse of alcohol, excessive smoking, (drugs). Another "+" is that i make them in sommer, in my sommerhouse,in the country, near a HUGE lake, so entertainment for everyone,yes? "Just one more level" guys/girls? have some serious problems or complexes going on in their heads and therefore can't really good operate in modern society. Those who don't play games........farmers? Amish people? Indians or other Tribe people?(no offence intended) Can't think of anyone other, who doesn't play video-games. It's (games) a BIG part of society. Even the beforementioned people have Tribe games, gatherings and such, so the whole world plays some kind of games.
Correct, but gaming in it's self can't create a better world... It's a pass time, with online integration it's taken over many people's lives aka many WoW players.
or they just trying to get the most out of their free time. working 40 hours a week will make you do that.
Er, wat. IRC aside, the vast majority of my internet gaming and interaction has been done under the age of 18 (I've slowed down since I turned 18, uni etc). I've never really found it necessary to swear like a fucking sailor. I've also played with plenty of older people who still find it amusing to heap abuse on anyone who beats them. Generalisations ahoy. Or join a decent guild/clan/corporation (yay EVE). Sounds like you've got no experience with decent online players. Musing to myself here, but how am I improving my debating skills by posting in a forum where 99.99% of people here likely have difficulty tying their shoelaces every morning?
i cant said i never meet a decent online player, but i have to deal with atleast 100 n00bs before you even get to meet one. most of the clan that i join start out as decent clan but sooner or later get either canceled or drag down, filled with n00bs. so i standby my statement that 99.99% online player are fill with n00bs.