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Games that should never have existed!

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ir4, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. acojan

    acojan Member

    Any game that ends with a title that ends with a Z instead of an S like it should in non-retarded english.
    Oh damn somebody mentioned it before me...

    Uhhh---- pretty much 98% of games based on movies.... (beats DBZ by 1%)
  2. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    no your wrong she 100,000% correct ):
  3. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    Hanna Montanna games. Yes they have those.
  4. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    once I downloaded "Enchanted" by accident. So yeh.....
  5. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Yeah sure, "accident"
  6. cursedgold

    cursedgold Member

    I can top anything any of you have said so far. Easily.

  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    world of warcraft!

    the success of this game is good but it's made them retarded, greedy and obnoxious. it killed blizzard. there was a quote from a site i remember when i was searching around about the strenghts and weaknesses of nintendo. it was a comment by an ultima online creator who comments that wow will kill blizzard. well, we look at the comments by kotick and the blizzard people and you'll clearly see that it is destroying the company.
  8. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    75% of anime fighting games, only for those who like the anime are they any good, and 80% of all other anime game types
  9. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I'm certain a lot of people can agree with me that Superman 64 should be erased from its existence. That game was just atrocious in almost every aspect.

    World of Warcraft killed Blizzard?!? WAT! Just because an Ultima Online creator says so?

    I've never expected anything more from you other than some rubbish nonsense that I would expect from a lobotomy patient, Ultra. Perhaps you're not aware that Blizzard happens to be working on both, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3?

    And, yes Ultra, here we go again!
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    World of Warcraft did not kill blizzard. If anything killed them it was selling out to activision and vivendi.
  11. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Most of games Angry Video Game Nerd plays shouldn't exist... ::) Watch "Atari Porn" episode... Now that's fuc*ed up... :p
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there is a famous quote,
    "Success is a menace. It fools smart people into thinking they can't lose." bill gates from pirates of silicon valley.

    try applying this idea to world of warcraft, then you'll figure out why world of warcraft killed blizzard. but of course if you can't apply it, then it's wrong because you can't figure it out. seeing the comment from above, two people are already wrong. even better, try applying this quote to a recent game that was released several weeks ago.

    in that movie, pirates of silicon valley, there is a lot of information on that movie about video games. why the wii is successful and why some companies are bound to die and so and so. but of course this is all wrong as hypr will prove it.
  13. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    the 3 phillips made "zelda" games
  14. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Way to incorrectly apply Bill Gates' quote there.

    Do you even know what Bill Gates means by that quote Ultra? Bill Gates meant that the success doesn't guarantee increased life-expectancy of the company itself. What you said regarding Blizzard however was that the success of their World of Warcraft game will bring down and destroy Blizzard. This shows that your analogy is incorrect.

    Just to summarize it down to grade-school terms for you since you don't understand jack shit:

    * Bill Gates says that success doesn't guarantee company's shelf life in the future.

    * You said that the success of 'World of Warcraft' is destroying Blizzard.

    Compare those two ideas above. Your ludicrous claim doesn't even match to what Bill Gates is saying.
  15. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    seconds this
  16. cursedgold

    cursedgold Member

    But without those games, Link would never slay the Faces of Evil, bomb dodongos, eat octoroks for dinner, and learn that this peace is what all true warriors strive for.
  17. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    all mmorpg