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games like halo

Discussion in 'PC' started by sonicfanboy, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    gunman chronicles has a tank in it.
  2. llewelyn

    llewelyn Member

  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I somehow am not surprised.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I'd say haze but that's a ps3 game.

    Dude, all that made halo cool was the vehicular combat (YEAH TAKE THAT HALO FAN BOYS!) so stick to normal fps games...

    Try aliens vs predator, the first 2 games are acient, but are still highly reccomended, and have single player...the current one might push the laptop a bit.
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    No one needs your recommendations since it is nothing like Halo. He asked for games like Halo. If he likes it, it's his opinion.
  6. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    yeah but ill accept it cus it is a shooter and there isnt much difference

    Post Merge: [time]1290263779[/time]
    umm i am a halo fanboy :)( i cant have a 360 so i cant play the newest 3) and also aliens v preditor looks kinda dull thas why i like halo cus its bright and air most of the time not inside dark corridors *cough* conduit *cough*
    Post Merge: [time]1290264058[/time]
    it wont run on my pc its only got 2.2ghz processor (well actually 2.1 but its semporon so equivilent of 2.2) and it needs 2.8 aparently i will check properly tomorow though also i will be pirating thes games and i cant torrent so games posted would be best if i can download them directily (megaupload that kinda thing) thanks. looked on can you run it and it says my pc meets minimal recuierments so i will have to try and find itk.