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game tester, it's real?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cafre, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    design and development are two completely different things.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You must have missed the later post describing "13k a year". That's nothing... 10 dollars an hour is 20k a year (full time).
    If you are going to be willing to make 13k a year, you might as well skip any formal training and go flip burgers.

    If you are going to spend time and money going to a college, university or just taking courses you should have a bit of pride and a sense of self worth, and realize that the time and money put into that piece of paper should be worth something to an employer. Don't accept such low wages or salary. Leave those jobs for the uneducated or untrained :)
  3. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    My cousin was a game tester befoer i was,he stuck to it for about 2 years,he was promoted up the ranks,and know he's the team leader,hes the man that make all the big descicions,and he's on 135k(thats more then a doctor) a year,he's been to work for companies on small projects,like recently he come back from a trip from japan,wehere he worked with square enix(squaresoft) on a project he cant say,but they paid for everything,hotel,car,food etc etc and they hired him his own personal translator.

    He now lives in florida.

    And that is 100% true,so if you stick to the shitty jobs,people will regonize your hard work and soon reward you.
  4. Furashu

    Furashu New Member

    This is true no one starts big you have to start small and prove you want to work, do the shitty jobs but show you do them because you understand you have to start small and its a job that you need.
    It's also a good thing to try and show your opinion on how to either improve your job or the company you're at, its always a group effort.

    Only then people will take your efforts seriously and give you better work offers.

    Also a small note to whoever wants to get in game development, companies want people with skill but people who have some work to show they don't really care if you went to a game design course or not...
    So even after you finished a game design\programing\whatever course, work on some unpaid projects like mods, a game developement studio will always look first to people who already worked on another company, then to modders or artists who have worked on mods and finally people who have been to game design courses.
    So work on building a nice portofolio.

  5. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    being in game industry isn't as sweet as playing them, believe me ... :)
  6. crimsonhikari

    crimsonhikari Member

    Yes, it's real. I think the easiest way to really get info about it is if the big company is around your area or some kind of drive to get there. One of my boyfriend's friend worked for Activision to test out some Guitar Hero game like find any bugs and what not. Once that game is done, he has no work until the company wants him to test another game. So he's working on and off. He got the job because his older brother works there, but not as a video game tester. Like all the other responses, yea, it's pretty much what everyone said. But yea, depending where you wanna game test, go look up in a reliable site that's legit and around town ^__^ goodluck<3
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Another type of Game tester are those people who volunteer to test out Beta releases (or even the Alpha releases) of online games specifically MMO ones. These Beta testers not only need to look for overlooked bugs still left in the game, but also give out their views as the target audience the game is meant for. This input is then used by the game developers to further develop the game to cater to their clientele's tastes.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that isn't usually a paid position though. I've tested world of warcraft betas before.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yup, it's more voluntary work, especially if you are a long time player of a game just like you with Warcraft.
  10. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    oo oo ooo me too :)
    lol......i didnt like it :(
  11. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I think a better job involving this stuff would be a game reviewer for a magazine. Pretty much the same but a little more fulfilling.