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Game Download Restricted

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by BossBro, Dec 2, 2016.

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  1. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    I did try avast tho. It was consuming data like 1Mb per second. It wasn't updating, it wasn't doing anything that needed internet connection. It just sorta ... consumed data while it was working...
  2. Sahel123

    Sahel123 Guest

    No, I mean it uses up RAM.
    It probably used up internet to check for program, not virus signature database, updates.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Not a chance in hell. they haven't even been mediocre since the late 1980s/early 1990s. Norton is considered the only antivirus package that behaves exactly like a virus. (slows down your computer, consumes resources and is extremely difficult to remove)

    The best are eset nod32 (quite expensive) followed by kaspersky (quite cheap providing you buy it from somewhere like amazon rather than directly from kaspersky, and you buy new each year rather than renewing)
  4. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    you know what's cheaper?
    tchorrentching em.
    I got avast that way

    you might be an asshole for doing that but hey, Where I live Not a single person here owns an original antivirus program.
    or an original windows copy.
    or original console Cds.

    in fact, they download roms from sites like you and put em on cds, and sell em for 2 dollars each.

    Talk about piracy.

    Open that link i posted a page ago.
    it explains more.

    (Why isn't DMCA doin anythang about that anyway ?)

    I really wish DMCA would fucking euthanize my whole country.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    why pirate avast!? its free to start with. And I wouldnt choose to pirate an AV because I can't be sure the crack doesn't compromise the program's ability to do its job.
  6. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    avast PREMIER.
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    He's asking why you're bothering pirating it when the free version does the same thing. He knows you're pirating the premium version.
  8. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    All in one security packages are pointless because if any one component gets compromised then you cant trust the rest of it either. With separate products then if one product gets compromised the rest of your security is still intact and trustworthy.
    Moonie likes this.
  10. Ebani

    Ebani New Member

    Damn, got here looking for the reason there are no roms to download left and found a really dumb conversation about piracy.

    Why use antivirus at all, nowadays every OS comes with it's own solution, no reason to install extra malware.
  11. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    The video game manufacturer company's got copyright for their games, meaning it is forbidden by the law to distribute their games yourself, with or without profit.
    the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (Which is explained in a linked page in the aforementioned dumb conversation ) Provides copyright holders with an option to file a... E-lawsuit thingie to which the infringer must comply, or else face legal consequences.

    tl;dr tl;dr
    New thing called DMCA enables Videogame companies to file a lawsuit against rom sites and/or piracy sites. You can't make copies of a game and sell em yourself.

    tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr
    ya host the roms, ya get a dmca.
    remove the roms = safe
    continue hosting the roms anyway = get jailed or executed or fined or whatever.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there are still roms available, not all of them are DMCAed.

    and you use 3rd party antivirus software because the OS does not come with antivirus. Windows defender is antimalware, not antivirus, plus I don't trust microsoft in the slightest.
  13. Dark_origins_7323

    Dark_origins_7323 New Member

    is Yugioh forbidden memories and all those games that are restricted gonna get put back up on the website
  14. Dark_origins_7323

    Dark_origins_7323 New Member

    Is all those roms that are restricted going to get put back up on the website
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  16. pbcsd

    pbcsd New Member

    Is there a way to tell which ROM's are restricted and which are not without having to click on each one?
  17. saher1175

    saher1175 Guest

    You know what?
    That's a nice Idea.

    *Petition to implement a php function or something of an available/restricted icon.*

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    1 : 948766
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
  18. Gamesmaster

    Gamesmaster Member

    Damn lol i really wanted Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers oh well cant win em all.
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