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Fused Pokemon

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by vincent_val3ntine, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    How about fusing a digimon with a pokemon?!?!?!
    Like agumon and tyrouge
  2. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    nvm ill try your realy hard 6 in 1 thingy xD im up for a challenge.. and i hate digimon :p
  3. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    xD, so 6 in 1 versus digimon and 6 in 1 wins nice.......
  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Your avatar is nicely done bro!
  5. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Thanks, but the credit really has to go to sandman1264
  6. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    i did it, but its kinda messy :eek:
    eyes: jigglypuff
    tail: mew
    wing thingy: cleffable
    ears and color: shinx
    base: swallot
    hat: mime jr.

    so here is it :p
    Post Merge: [time]1271085948[/time]
    o and its name is... ehm.. well... shigglablew jr. :D
    now plz a 2/3 to 1 request (a)
    but make sure it includes cool pokemon 8)
  7. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    I actually kinda like it....................................................

    Ok, meowth, scyther and golem please. (you rock!)
  8. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    i just made a sandmin for a friend xD

    ill go make your scowthem now :p
    Post Merge: [time]1271090749[/time]
    its weird.. but ok :p

    now something with wings or kakuna plz ;P
  9. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Pigeotto, sandslash and celebi :L
  10. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    srry i think ill pass on this one... maybe martinekidz will do it, or somebody else.. but i want to make a realy cool fusion with realy cool pokemon, not just mix your randomly chosen pokemon :p
    you have an idea for a cool fuse?
  11. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Pigeotto with the flames from ponyta?
  12. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    done :D ty for the great idea, it worked out realy well. i painted pidgotto with the body colours of moltres, and i used the flame colors from ponyta to completely redesign the wings. no copying and pasting was used to make those :O
    for the head and tail flames i used the base shapes to recolor them manually with moltres' flame colors...
    the result:
    soo what do you think? and what should i call it :p
  13. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    I like it!
    And pigeonyta! xD
  14. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    nah.. we should come up with more original names :p
    like ignitros or something :)
  15. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    No, best name ever! BIRDY GO BOOOM! xD
  16. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    heres a challenge... try and make a fourth evolution of a Pokemon. hmmm, lets take charizard, it's body's pretty versatile from the fusions that I've seen here. Use any other Pokemon that you want, but i think it should still be the same sorta colour scheme as the "Char" evolution route.
  17. ikke009

    ikke009 Member

    ill work on that tomorrow if nobody takes the challenge.. but first ill go to sleep, go to school, and celebrate my dads birthday, so i wont be fast :p
    but for a fourth evolution custom stuff like the fire wings i made for 'birdy go boom!' will be cool..
    or else a charizard with -other, bigger, and more awesome wings
    -a tail with a bigger (maybe a custom) flame
    -maybe fire on the edges of the wings
    -a different head maybe, like a recoloured rayquaza head or something..
    -colour pallete from charmelion, charizard or dark charizard

    but ill work on that tomorrow :) (or the day after tomorrow if i have no tome, or i wont work on it at all if somebody else takes this challenge.. but i hope nobody does because this challenge seems realy interesting and challenging to me :p)
  18. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    'm glad you like the challenge. if its good... i might have to steal it for an avatar. its about time i get one.
  19. tails100

    tails100 Active Member

    Where do you get all the pokemon pictures?
  20. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I get mine from....
