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Funny Priest and Nun Joke (NOT racist)

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by gameace99, May 10, 2008.

  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I remember reading that a while ago.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wait isn't the thread, jokes relating to priests & nuns?

    An Ifugao (native peoples of the Cordilliera Mountain ranges here in the Philippines who believe in Animism, the belief in the Spirits of nature) was recently converted to Christianity, however on Catechism, he was absent on the day they taught about communion.

    On the day of his first communion he was very nervous as he didn't know what to do. Observing the other people in front of him, he noticed that the priest gave something to them after the priest said," body of Christ", but he couldn't hear what the others said before they recieved the thing they got from him.

    So he thought that it probably had something to do with "the body of Christ on the Crucifix", So he stared at the image of Christ on the cross & thought for a while. "I got it!",he said to himself as the guy in front of him finally got communion & it was his turn.

    "Body of Christ", the priest said & the Ifugao replied, "Sexy"

    Version 2:

    On the day of his communion, the Ifugao noticed that the priest was giving some kind of food to the Communers after he said"Body of Christ", & them replying with "Amen".

    So on his turn, the priest said "Body of Christ", the Ifugao opened his mouth, took the host & replied "Yummy" :p
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    haha just like my friends it goes like this "katawan ni kristo priest said" he answered macho
    (body of christ)
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's why I sed "sexy" instead of "macho" because it wouldn't have that much impact to the other people not from our country