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Funniest Game Moment?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Soluri, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. TheSamuraj

    TheSamuraj New Member

    it just happened a few hours ago,

    my brother was playing Assassins Creed 2 and he was trying to get a codex page.
    So there were 3 guards standing in front of the door and right of them is a group of civilians.
    he climbed up the building right above the guards and is planning to kill them. he jumps down, totally missing the guards, steps forward and stabs 2 civilians with the hidden knifes. Then he turns around, stands still for a second and then knifes two guards. steps forward and knifes the last one. (its funnier when you watch it)
    After that he couldnt play because we were laughing to hard :p
  2. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    That is win.
    Once I was playing Legend of Zelda:TP when somehow I got the camra angle to pan between his legs. It was a black hole o_O
  3. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    MegaTen ONLINE
    • I told a slime I'd punch him in the face. He replied, "Slime: YOAR MY BUDDEH NAO!"

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
    • Told the fairy Vivian I was gay. She ran away.
    • Told Jack Frost I was an internationally-wanted kidnapper. He ran away very quickly.
    • Fairy Hua Po called me a paedophile.

    • I used to just jump up and throw grenades below me. I got pretty high once, you know. Kept me occupied for hours... Good times, good times.
  4. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    this is lol.
    i was running around with an m16 on bc2, killing people when all of a medic starting shooting me. I was wtfing when i died but then BAM!, a bullet killed him, and i saw him flying straight into the wall, 18~22ft from where he stood.
    ragdoll physics!!!!
  5. arceus12345

    arceus12345 Well-Known Member

    it was funny in pokemon games when u name your char. something stupid and when the say something they say "hey,*****!
  6. xigbar13

    xigbar13 Member

    @arceus12345 I always name my rival "a fag" so when they mention him "a fag was over here earlier".
  7. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    FFX Tidus' totally fake laugh with Yuna. 'Ahahahahahahahaha.' You know that one after the Blizball tournament.
  8. blue_mist

    blue_mist Member

    Most scenes with Joshua in them in TWEWY. He's so mean =)
  9. Nighthawk1996

    Nighthawk1996 Member

    For me, playing Star Wars Battlefront II.

    I would attach Detonation Packs to snowspeeders, wait for someone to get in and drive them off, then blast them into bits in mid-flight.

    I'd also get on top of RATS (Enemy tanks, if you don't know) and I'd either cut into them and steal them, or set a Det-Pack, jump off and blast it away.

    p.s. V.s. Wampas - Use Mines. "It's Super Effective!!!"
  10. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    No question my funniest(& stupidest) moments were in gunbound -.-
    I was using whale, aimed at a guy right next to me, fired straight up and it fell........right on top of me. Took out 80% of my life. Another time was when I tried to shoot a guy, hit him but destroy the ground below, I fell to my death and he got a friggin 1% HP left =="
  11. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Left 4 dead. A recent one.
    My laughter could be heard across the house

    Other then that too many, and i mean, too many to list.
  12. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I was playing around with rufio's (the weakest enemy in the game found in an inn) body in oblivion by closing and opening door's with him in between it until his whole body got stuck at the middle of the door. he was also twitching, like, alot. like he was humping the floor or something
  13. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    Anyone tried playing Megaman ZX Advent, transform into that big crocodile thingy and quickly press left and right alternately and repeatedly? xD