I find it funny that the topic starters subject derailed into such a deep topic. Here's my two pence. Freedom is an illusion. There's too many of us on this planet for us to just do and say whatever we want willy nilly. As long as we're given the illusion, we're all a bunch of happy campers. Ya I know there's the bunch that bounces around trying to "educate" people about the evils of this and that, but I could care less. There's not much I can do or anyone can really do. I'm not suffering horribly from it, and I can enjoy myself when I want to. When/if it starts turning Orwellian then it's gonna suck. But, while it isn't, I'll enjoy my time. But I can say this. We do have freedom of speech. We can say whatever we want. Sure, Homeland security might be monitoring it trying to find potential "terrorists", but as long as you aren't a total idiot you'll be fine. Come on, think back a few decades ago when white supremacists were allowed to march about letting everyone know how much they hate effing everything. Let me be more clear though... Any person in a private sector can say whatever they want as long as it won't cause any situations that may end up breaking any laws- which makes perfect sense. Someone shouldn't run into a crowded bus and yell "bomb!" just because they wanted a decent seat up front.
We're only years off an Orwellian society. We've got lampposts with listening devices in, CCTV cameras just about everywhere, newer CCTV cameras where the people sat watching them can tell people to stop doing something naughty, legislation that would allow police and such can see what you've been looking at on the internet and see what material you have on your computer. It's only a matter of time before the Government are given almost Dictatorship of us all and we end up like 1984. With Big Brother all they've got to do is move the BB house to EVERYWHERE. (Big Brother starting on Friday is going to destroy everything, I go to Secondary School so all the "popular" kids will all be chatting about it like fools...). Hearing that Geordie guy everywhere would be quite awesome, yet slightly intimidating. P.S. It'd be far cooler for it to be more like Half-Life 2 than 1984. That way I can cut my hair and get a suit and become a scientist and learn to wield a crowbar... ... ...
Peh, no use for an obvious Orwellian society quite yet. As long as we have the illusion of freedom, they'll be able to do whatever they please for however long they want. And if you are going to be a scientist who wields a crowbar you can never, ever talk.
I could just swallow a fly, but then not follow the path of that stupid old lady who owned a farm that pretty much commited suicide with her inexcusable attempts at digesting larger animals to scare out the smaller animals in her stomach (even though they all should have burned in her Stomach Acid MUHAHAHA!) until she tried to eat a horse (OMGWTFBBQ?!) and her stomach probably exploded, leaking hydrochloric acid all over her major organs, dissolving them and therefore killing her. But I'm not THAT foolish...
Freedom of speech is the dumbest thing ever, everyone should have their tongues cut out and undergo a lobotomy, and by that I mean just take the damn thing out
the freedom of speech is the greatest thing to ever happen since sliced bread and pre-packaged cheese. when these very old guys with wigs sat around the table (delegates discussing the constitution) they decided to give the american peoples a right not found anywhere else at the time... and something that will get your tongue cut and turn your guts into mulch in other countries... freedom of speech. this right gives anyone the power to publicly outcry their displeasure towards the government or another party. in one or two people, yeah, whatever you might not be able to do crap, butyou know what... you get enough people and the government will fear you... this is funny because they might call the national guard but they cant to crap if you protest without physically confronting them... public outrage is beautiful en-masse as long as it doesn't become physical, and becomes more powerful with the right to bear arms ^^. so don't say yeah right to public speech in the U.S., you might need to fall on it someday... and keep yourself from getting your tongue cut and turning your guts into mulch in other countries. in some countries you have the right to an american embassy if its a low level crime too but thats not on subject
Freedom of speech often rests with the media and not the speech givers. The concept has never existed in the UK, it was considered a bedrock of N. American values as expressed in the constitution. Such ideas, were held as crucial by the french after the bloody revolution. America and France have lost those ideals. America has become a showplace for injustice(the sick joke of the planet), France is more interested in Vichy than Egality. Few understand the real meaning of true freedom within speech. To hear words that cause panic and terror is freedom. To me it is far more important that I hear the words of an evil man than see the resulting empowerment that will always occour when such a person is denied a platform of speech. Freedom of speech may result in your mind being blown or terrorised, but I think it is better to have the choice to hear and listen than to be forced to hear or listen. Freedom of speech also enables you with the power to not listen or to turn off. The idea that you can be forced to listen to, or be part of something distasteful to you, is nothing to do with freedom of speech, as freedom of speech is based on the freedom to listen. You guys need it and fall on it more than most, you fall on it like as if falling on the broken sword of USA justice. Have pride in your constitution, it is a great thing. Sadly a great thing of the past.