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Forum RPGs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NekoHennuli, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    Uh...what are the normal rules? I never had a standard o:
    Wait a sec...what? I don't think it would be a good idea to let people make whatever they want. Trainer, Pokemon and villian are fine with me. But what about Gym Leaders? They had to sit in the arena all day long and wait for opponent. Even worse for the Elite Four or the Champion. It also would be totally inbalanced, if one is the champion and starts a battle with a trainer who just got their first pokemon. And are you sure that you story would work, if everyone has a random character?
  2. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the Frontier folks yet. I need to build the forum more to see, if I'm gonna take them too.

    Well, I use the Finnish standard rules. If there's a battle, it is played by this way:
    Player 1 wrotes how s/he is attacking to player 2. Player 2 writes then, how s/he takes the attack, does s/he dodge it, get hurt, etc. You deside will the attack hit or miss, but you must remember that character can't me invinsible.

    I aldo take the levels into the battle, and I'm writing information about then at the moment to the forum.

    Well, about the league members. I've been thinking that if someone wan't to play as a league member, s/he can play, but she'll have to take another active character, and play as a league member when one is needed, since league member are only needed with gym battles and league battles.

    At the moment I'm writing the info sections on the forum and Kanto region is done.
  3. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    I wouldn't do that. That what we call "glowing hyper monk" in our community because there are always people who try to dodge every attack and do critical hits all the time. Now we can't let that happen, can we? I really, really wouldn't let the players decide if they take a hit or just wanna dodge it. Can we talk this over, after you prepared the forum?

    Uhm..and what happens, if somebody has to fight himself? Otherwise this sounds okay to me^^
  4. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Sure thing.

    Okay, now I'm too tired, I have to think this over..
  5. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    hehe I still want to be a Raichu ^_^
  6. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Seems like alot of hard work over nothing, why not just go play HGSS or write a fanfic.
  7. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    Because a fanfic is boring since nothing unexpected can happen. And playing hgss is restricted to the game's world. It really is some work to start a frpg, but people wouldn't do it, if it wasn't fun, would they?
  8. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Fun is relative, some people like to spend their spare time collecting stamps or standing by railway lines watching trains, try telling me that is fun. I'd also say that fanfic has the same limitations as FRPGs in terms of unexpectedness and the likes. But it doesnt really matter, both are extremely tedious and mundane.
  9. sensei

    sensei Active Member

    I think the thing about FRPGs is, that you don't do stuff on your own. Other people take part and they just may surprise you. That could also be a reason why it's more fun. But as you said, fun is relative. And if you don't like it, I can't change your mind I guess.
  10. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    I used to do harvest Moon, Love hina and Ranma based FRPG. I still try to but it gets hard when the other players disappear.
  11. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Forum is up!
    At least check it out. ^^