He's probably one of those people that only gets clothes for Christmas. I don't know if I should pity him or laugh at his bad luck if that's the case.
clothes huh? probably underwear thats 2 sizes too big! in any case, if so, your family loves you and you should just wear the oversized panties on your head and take some photos to share with asmadi - he might just pity you enough to send you that gun you've always wanted ;D
It's not really the gifts of Christmas I dislike (though I do tend to get crappy clothes often), but it's the social part of it. I have to wake up early, open shit, go to a family gathering for my dad's side of the family for a few hours (meaning I do NOTHING), then go to my moms side which usually involves more of the same. It is a shitty day. I prefer school, where at least I interact with people I enjoy.
my family doesnt even celebrate christmas but i've had to go to my wife's family thing. I just avoid everyone and play a game somewhere, sneak some food and im done.
nice one... i'm expecting a nds and a r4ds... i'll have to buy some new lens for my glasses soon too...